Lucky Guy x Naib Subedar.

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ty for requesting this!!
art credit: qlswm9588 on twitter

A blonde male, more commonly known as Lucky Guy, heard the sound of glass shattering as his conscious returned to him. He felt droplets of snow fall onto his face, as he sat up warily. 'Leo's Memory, hm?' He thought to himself, as he started walking to the nearest cipher. His shoes made contact with the crunchy snow.

      Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The rhythmic pattern stopped, as he started decoding a cipher machine. He heard a ping and checked his detector until he felt jolts of electricity shoot through his body. "AGH-" He yelped in pain, wiping the nervous sweat dripping down his forehead. Lucky heard the sound of footsteps near him, as he slowly gulped. He checked his heart beat, making sure it wasn't the hunter. Thankfully, it was beating normally and no shade of purple was forming. A bandaged hand came in contact with his shoulder. "When did you get so bad at decoding, babes?" A snarky and gruff voice teased.

Ah, Naib. His boyfriend.  "I-I'm sorry! I heard a p-ping from my detector so I checked it then I got shocked and made a mista-"
There he goes, rambling off again.. Naib gripped Lucky's shoulder tightly, his dull eyes meeting the other's own pair of nervous eyes. "Calm down, the hunter was just chasing 'Sop. He should be fine, the hunter changed targets anyways. Now get to work, we still have 4 ciphers left!" Naib exclaimed, taking Lucky's hand to the cipher he was previously working on.
The blonde's face exploded into red, as he squeaked out a quiet "Okay!" His fingers got to work on the sides of the clunky machine, pressing at buttons and twisting lone knobs. It would be embarrassing to mess up, in front of Naib Subedar of all people! Naib was tapping at the keys of the machine, seemingly very focused.

The mercenary heard thumping, and stared down at his heart. A purple tint started glowing more and more. 'Shit.' Naib got shocked, as he missed a calibration, more focused on trying to get out of here.
Lucky was too naive to noticed his heart pounding like crazy, continuing to work on the machine. Naib had already started running in his own panic, forgetting to call his boyfriend along with him. He sent a message to his team, "The hunter is near, hide!"

Lucky didn't check the ping, and it was too late before he felt a sharp pain in his head. Terror Shock! "WAUGH-" He held his head in pain, his locks of hair falling astray. He heard a giggle.. Oh, it was Geisha.

Michiko lifted Lucky in balloons, as she started taunting the poor male. "Ooh, poor Lucky... Naib ran off without you, shows how much he cares about you!" She chuckled, her long locks flowing beside her. Lucky ceased his struggles for a while, but he soon continued. He felt himself getting chaired, the barbed wires tearing his clothes gently. "Leave me!" He sent a ping with the strength he could muster.
Michiko lifted into the air after chairing him. Yet.. her sing song voice rang in his ears. Tears started to well up in his eyes. Voices in his head blurted out words of pure cruelty, one voice louder than the others. Naib doesn't care about you. Naib doesn't care about you. Naib doesn- Suddenly, he felt himself standing on the snow, the barbed wires releasing their tight grip on his body.

Everything was a blur as a warm hand enveloped his, taking the blonde somewhere far away from where he was chaired. Lucky heard a warm yet harsh voice. "Why did you just stand there, dumbass?! I love you, I really do, but don't just stand there after getting saved!" Silence. "..Why were you crying?" The quiet male looked up to the mercenary, his cheeks and nose flushed red from the crying.
Naib had a bruise and scratches on his face, most likely from Michiko's fan.
More quietness erupted from the taller male, as Naib finished patching him up. "..You don't wanna talk about it, do you?.. Well then. Don't let her words get to ya." Naib damn well knew what the hunters would say and do, they loved to push at the survivors buttons. Joseph and Jack did the worst, their taunting words and smiles always left the poor souls scarred. "I hate to see you act like this, dearest. I can't blame ya, shit, I act like this sometimes.. But.. Please try t'clear those thoughts from your mind."
Lucky felt a kiss being placed on his soft lips, as he happily kissed back.

"Now, let's get back to business!"
"W-what about your injuri-"

As they finished the last ciphers and opened the exit gate, one thought lingered in Lucky Guy's head.

Naib cares about me.

first oneshot in this book done! i hope this is to your liking,, i'm sorry if its short, though! i'll try to make it longer next time.
thank you for reading this!
~ noah

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