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It was a pleasant day in the land of miitopia, people in all areas enjoy life free from the dark lord, being saved by 10 brave heroes, now spread out the land, from neksdor to the Travelers' Hub.

Meanwhile, in Greenhorne, somewhere in the Easin Hills...

[Narrator] : "Behold, a simple traveler"

>Wandering hero Y/N<

Y/N Is Clad in a F/C sweater with a brown satchel on his side, on his neck lies a mysterious pendant with a closed eye on it.

Y/N : *Yawn*

Y/N : "Another peaceful day!"

[Narrator] : "Y/N is wandering alone, wherever the path takes him."

Y/N : "No more pesky teammates or any dark lords distributing faces, just me and a world to wander."

Y/N : "Hm?"

From the sky a butterfly falls, similar to the Rock Moths often found in the hills.

Y/N : "Another Rock Moth? I thought we killed all of those, and what's with the black and white color scheme? Haven't seen that before."

Y/N approaches the strange RM carefully, but when he's a few feet away, the RM whips around, the bright red dotted eyes staring into Y/N's own, wide with shock.

Y/N : *stunned silence before...* "That is not normal"

The Strange Rock Moth revs up and charges at Y/N until a flash of light interrupts it.

Y/N opens his eyes after the flash to find himself in a familiar yellow void, when a voice speaks to him.

Guardian Spirit : "Y/N... Y/N can you hear me."

Y/N : "We meet again."

GS : "It seems you can hear me! Ho ho! What good fortune that is."

Y/N : "Didn't expect us to be talking so soon. But i'm guessing you know what I need"

GS : "Your jobs back, I presume?"

Y/N : "Yes, do you also have any clue what the Rock Moth i'm facing is?"

GS : "Unfortunately, no, for you've already wiped out all the faced monsters in miitopia."

Y/N : "Thats what I thought too but here we are."

GS : "Very well then, I once again bestoweth upon thee the awesome power of the guardian! Hurrrrrgh... HAAAA!!"

In another flash of light, Y/N find himself out of his simple clothes and into a much different outfit, feeling stronger, faster, and with much more magic in him, he looks down to see himself in his thief gear.

In another flash of light, Y/N find himself out of his simple clothes and into a much different outfit, feeling stronger, faster, and with much more magic in him, he looks down to see himself in his thief gear

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Y/N : "Now that's what i'm talking about"

GS : "Well you still have a Rock Moth to slay, hop to it! Ho ho!

The area of light grows brighter until Y/N finds himself confronting the weird Rock Moth.

Y/N : "Alright ya fool COME 'ERE!"

Y/N Rushes at the RM quickly and unleashes whirlwind blades killing the enemy in 3 clean hits.

Y/N : "That all you got?"

The RM falls to the ground, the red dots it had for eyes dimming out before finally dying, instead of the red dots flying off however, a mysterious purple energy seeped out of the RM.

Y/N : "?"

The energy slowly but surely forms into a portal, that starts sucking Y/N in while Y/N starts running away

Y/N : "This is not normal this is not normal this is not normal this is not nooormallllll-"

With the final normal Y/N get sucked into the portal, falling through a mysterious energy tunnel while not knowing 9 others were doing the same thing else where.

(Hey look I can write! This may or may not be a thing I put more time into, for all you know this is all you get (That's a lie I'm doing at least some more so don't worry if you clicked on this because it had a RWBY tag). I am going to add more mii's because of all the jobs, so if you are on the most reacent part and there's a job that you would like to add a mii for go ahead and add it, otherwise i'll just gonna pick random miis after all. And thanks for reading this work of trash.)

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