Chapter 4 : Miiopians At Beacon

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It's probably best i describe what clothes the heroes are wearing, so i'll put indicators at the start. for example, they are currently wearing [Wandering clothes] which are the clothes I mentioned in Prologue 1

Also each chapter has been getting more and more words, if the pattern keeps up this one will have 5k words total! (please don't be 5k total and make me look like a fool)

Name : (status) *Action* "Words"

It was a pleasant day in Vale, birds were singing, flowers are blooming, and some kid was standing on top of a bus.

Wait... what?

Nearby, standing at the location Team Y/N was going to be picked up, are 3 of the four members of said team.

Matt : "I wonder where Y/N is... he said he would be here."

AJ : "What if he doesn't make it? what then?"

Faith : "Don't worry guys, just have faith in him!"

the other 2 collectively groan, this was not the first, or the second, or the 500th time she has done this.

AJ : "Please stop with that pun it gets on-"


The team darts their eyes over to see Y/N standing on a bus, he picks something up, throwing it into the air before jumping off the bus and catching it.

Y/N : "I got drinks!"

Faith : "Told ya!"

Y/N quickly walks over to the team and begins handing them their drinks, Matt gets black coffee, AJ got some smart water, Faith got some apple juice and Y/N got a soda.

Y/N : "And now we wait for the bullhead, i'm guessing it will take a whi-"

A bullhead proceeded to land just as Y/N says this, causing him to stop, and his friends to adopt smug looks on their faces.

AJ : " "A while" huh?"

Y/N : "Just get on it before I stab ya"

Y/N pokes his dagger at AJ in a playful manner, before the team gets on the bullhead, along with a few others looking to become huntsman. when they get on it seems rather peaceful, people lightly chatting but no big events, they come to a few more stops until...

Yellow : "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

Y/N : 'Oh look it's Ruby.'

Ruby : "Please stop."

Yellow : "But I'm so proud of you!"

Ruby : "Really Sis, it was nothing."

Yellow : "What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees."

Ruby : "I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees."

Yellow : "What's with you? Aren't you excited?"

Ruby : "Of course I'm excited... I just..." she sighs "I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything."

Yellow : "But you are special."

It was at this point the girls turned towards a new report covering the robbery that Y/N and Matt were at, it was ALSO at this point that Y/N decided to say hi

Y/N : "imma do something really quick, i'll be back."

Y/N walked up to the two, who didn't notice them as they were still looking at the news, Y/N decided to join them on that, seeing a news person with a photo of what Y/N assumed to be faunus holding signs saying "We are not animals", the image cuts away to a logo of  agrowling red wolf's head with three scratch marks. Then the lady began to speak

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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