Local Guard Harasses Scientist About His Passport.

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Gordon woke up in his small studio apartment with a tired sigh. It was Monday and it was time to get ready to do shady government shit at Black Mesa. Something about a crystal thingie and a laser. But then again it was always about funky rocks and lasers.

Gordon, who was in fact a very glorious lion, sighed as he thought about rocks and lasers before dragging his body out of bed. In the words of Dr. Coomer: "Another day, another dollar!". Gordon rubbed his face with a paw as the idea of dealing with his co-workers attacked his still sleepy mind as he made his way to the bathroom. Once at the sink, he gazed at himself in the mirror and grimaced.

He was decent looking lion to tell the truth, or at least he thought so, but his fur and mane were much darker than the average, and on this terrible Monday morning, said mane was on the fritz. His eyes were green and looked tired, in fact, most of Gordon looked tired. But that was subject to change! All he needed was a good shower and the biggest cup of coffee he could manage. So without any further self monologue, Gordon got his furry ass into the shower, got dressed afterwards and brewed himself a quick coffee before leaving his apartment to head to his job.

The car drive to Black Mesa was long and uneventful, but by the time Gordon had arrived (only a few minutes late, mind you), he was already in a much better mood versus the one he had when he woke up. But then again, coffee infused with catnip always made Gordon feel like a million dollars.

As he pulled into the government facility, Gordon parked his car in his parking space and got out. He then made his way to the tram that would take him down into the belly of Black Mesa, but was promptly hit in the head with a pipe, effectively knocking him unconscious.

This was to be expected, this happened every time Gordon went into work.

The lion scientist eventually woke up, sprawled in front of the underground entrance of Black Mesa. Gordon rubbed his head, not at all disturbed by this as it was completely normal, and made his way into Black Mesa to do his typical science shit with lasers and rocks. As Gordon was reaching his first guarded door within the facility, he was stopped as a voice spoke up behind him.

"Hey." The voice was relatively emotionless and it was one Gordon was not familiar with. Gordon turned around to face this voice and was met with the visage of a guard he didn't recognize. Most of the Black Mesa guards were bears, or other scary animals, but this one was a small racoon with paleish fur and large yellow eyes that peered out from under his standard issue Black Mesa helmet that almost seemed too big for him. "Can I see your passport?" The racoon asked, holding out one of his paws expectantly.

"My-my passport?" Gordon inquired, confused by the request. After all, the guards outside hadn't said anything to him, and the front desk hadn't stopped him either.

"Yeah man, I need to see your passport." The racoon insisted, his yellow eyes staring into Gordon's soul.

"Dude, just look at me!" Gordon exclaimed, throwing his arms out as if to give the guard a better view of him. "I'm literally in the HEV suit! The company policy suit!" Gordon didn't actually remember putting on the HEV suit and was a little perplexed because he was in fact going to the locker room to put this very same suit on.

"Hmm." The racoon regarded Gordon carefully before going up to the second guard who had already unlocked the door for Gordon, and he whispered in the other guard's ear. "He doesn't have his fucking passport."

"No I don't have my fucking passport." Gordon agreed.

"Dude, look, he's so pissed off right now." The racoon guard looked back to Gordon as he motioned to the emotionless guard. "Look at his fists! They're balled!" The racoon guard shook his head quickly. "He wants to beat you up so badly, man."

"Over my passport?" Gordon was confused and starting to get frustrated. "Look, all the scientists are rushing me into the test chamber, can I just go through the door?"

"Hang on, I have to calm him down." The racoon held up a single finger to Gordon before turning to the guard. Then, bizarrely, the racoon opened his mouth and shot out a line of blue orbs that were accompanied by heavenly singing.

"What the fuck!?" Gordon took a wary step back and laid his ears back. He hadn't seen anything like this before.

"It's how we calm each other." The racoon patted the other guard's shoulder, who was still emotionless, before he turned back to Gordon, "We call it the Black Mesa Sweet Voice." The small guard seemed particularly proud of this talent.

"Oh?" Gordon tilted his head, he had never heard of that either. "That's weird..."

"Yeah, anyways, I've got to follow you now, to make sure he doesn't try to uh beat you up." The racoon grinned and moved away from the guard and towards Gordon. "And I'm going to need to see your passport."

"I don't have my passport." Gordon sighed, already feeling a headache coming on. His good mood was quickly being soured by this guard's insistence on seeing his passport.

Thank you so much for reading this first part of my fic. I literally have no idea what I'm doing. <3

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