Chapter eighteen

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The next day*
Ally's POV*
I'm so excited to go to NYC and see the boys perform at MSG. I'm so proud of them, my mom made me pack now. I told her they'll perform at night, but she said she wants us to go early cause she wants to see Times Square. Haha, typical mom<3

Will's POV*
It's finally the day for us to perform at MSG. We already picked our song and everything. We're so excited. And we're Also excited to see Becca, Ally, and Alex.

I know they're excited to come see us. They called us yesterday telling us about how excited they are. Who can bake them, they're awesome. There seriously the best best best friends we've ever had. Haha. Lol. Seriously though.

I need pizza

"Hello, room service?" I said calling room service

"Yes hello, what would you like sir?" The guy asked me

"I would like some pizza" I said

"We'll be right there with your order sir" he said

"Thank you" I said

Cole's POV*
Today is finally the day for IM5 to perform at Madison Square Garden!

I'm so fricking excited. I sounded like Will.

I bet the boys are excited about us performing there, of course they are, duh!.

Gabe's POV*
Yes yes YES!
Madison Square Garden, here we come! Whoa! I'm so excited to perform there.
I can't wait any longer. Can't wait!

Dana's POV*
Today is the day we perform at MSG. the fans are so excited and so are we. We will preform one of our best covers. And it's my favorite cover we ever did! So excited!

David's POV*
So. Fricking. Excited.....Madison square garden isn't the worlds most famous arena. It's the second most famous arena. The first is Times Square, but MSG beats TS anytime. I'm so grateful and so excited. I'm so happy I'm me. Best life. Maybe not the best, but to me it is.

Will's POV*
We woke up, took showers, and we got dressed in the usual. We had breakfast. I had pancakes and David had cereal.

Cole and Dana keep coming in our room to take some forks, why don't they just eat here?

"Who else is excited about this?" Asked Cole
"Duh!" Said David

"All of us are" I said.

"Yeah man" said Dana

"Hey guys" said Gabe

"Hey" we all told him

After we had breakfast, we went to our meet and great. It's gonna be awesome.

A lot of fans came and took autographs and pictures. They're amazing people. Well, girls. They literally came wearing their IM5 t-shirts, and necklaces. Well, half of them.
Some of them gave Gabe batman things. Like shirts, bracelets, drawings, pictures, everything. He smiled through the whole thing. He usually tries to show off his abs, which he did show off BTW. He always does that, that's what makes him Gabe.

Our meet and great lasted for about three hours, literally.
We had two more hours till MSG. we had to go so we can get ready for the huge performance.

We went to MSG. A few fans we're already there.

A few hours later*
We only have 15minutes until our performance!!!!
So excited! Yet so nervous! But who cares, this is Madison square garden I shouldn't be nervous, it'll be fine.

We we're backstage talking

"Ok guys, this is it" said Dana

"I'm so nervous" said Gabe

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