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   My feet carried me over to the Polanski house. I needed to confide in someone, not my brother and most definitely not Rick.

I buzzed in at the gate, a cheerful Sharon chimed through the speaker. "Hello? How can I help you?"

"Hi Sharon it's me, can I come in? Something happened with Rick and I need to talk to someone" I spoke into the speaker, looking around as I increasingly felt bashful.

"Well of course (y/n)! Come on up, sweetie"

I sighed in relief, I was beyond grateful I had met Sharon. She was such a positive light in my life, she was one of the kindest people I knew.

Once making it in the house Sharon immediately saw the sad expression plastered over me. She pulled me into an embrace, I laughed as her baby bump evidently got in the way.

"Come on in, tell me about what's bothering you" Sharon pulled me into the living room, going into the kitchen to fix me a drink.

"Maybe I was foolish for thinking Rick would come back and we could be together with no issues. I feel a little dense for thinking we would have this beautiful reunion as he bursted through the door of his home" I explained.

"What got in the way?" Sharon asked, coming back into the room with a Gin & Tonic. "A girl" I scoffed, taking a long sip.

Sharon audibly gasped, holding her mouth. "He brought back a girl? What a man whore" she crossed her arms, anger coming over her features.

"I don't get it! Was he that horny that he couldn't wait 6 months to come home? He had to have known I was down for him, or maybe I didn't make it clear enough" I sat back, beginning to analyze my previous actions before he had left.

"Stop, (y/n). This isn't your fault" Sharon reassured me.

We spent the next half hour on the subject of the movie star that resided next door, most of Sharon informing me that Rick was in the wrong.

"The only thing you can do now is tell Rick how you feel. Just be straight forward, maybe he'll kick the new girl to the curb" she explained as Jay waltzed in.

"Oh hi there (y/n)! Good to see you" Jay beamed. "Hiya Jay" I smiled with a wave, trying to hide the obvious tears that were left on my cheeks.

"You almost ready to get going, honey?" Jay asked Sharon who smiled brightly at him. "Definitely! Hey (y/n), why don't you come out to dinner with my friends and I? It'll be good to get your mind off the bastard for an hour or two" Sharon smiled.

"I'd love nothing more!" I smiled, standing up and wiping my cheeks.

𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑: As (y/n) and the gang headed to El Coyote Mexican Grill, Cliff and Rick headed out to a nice outing at Casa Vega.

"Cliff I- I haven't been truthful with you" Rick waved his hands nervously as he watched his best friend across the table.

Cliff stared back at Rick waiting for him to continue. "This is gonna be some h-hell of a bomb I'm about to drop on you so you b-better be prepared... a-and you gotta promise you ain't gonna beat the shit out of me!" Rick raised his arms in surrender as Cliff laughed. "Scouts honor, now tell me"

"I'm in love with (y/n)... I've been in love with her. A-and I thought everything was gonna fit perfectly when I came home. I thought we'd finally be able to be together. I thought about exactly what I'd say to her, and I thought about how I'd kiss her as I waltzed into the house" Rick rambled as Cliff listened in surprise.

"But then y-you and that fuckin' manager guy told me to get married. My heart was never in it for that Italian lady I'm telling you" Rick's expression was a mix of desperation and regret.

"I know you'll treat my sister right, Rick. But you should've told me sooner, I would've never told you to get a girl if I would've known that, so don't blame me" Cliff explained calmly, sipping at his Bloody Mary.

"I know but now I've gone and fucked everything up. I brought back this girl, I moved her out of her own country and brought her all the way here. (y/n)'s heartbroken, just tell me what to do" Rick's eyes were pleading for Cliff's help.

𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑: Meanwhile, (y/n) was downing shots of vodka like they were water. She felt on top of the world as she sat around a round table with Sharon, Jay and her two friends Lindsay and Marc. It had been a couple hours when Sharon's pregnancy made her feel like her world was ending, so they decided to head home.

   "Are you gonna tell him now?" Sharon quietly chatted with me in the backseat as Jay drove. She didn't want to leave me sitting alone so she insisted on accompanying me in the back.

   "Yeah... and you know what? I don't care if that fuckin' girl hears every word! I am not backing down this time" I explained, slurring my words. Sharon giggled as we pulled into the drive way.

   "Let me know what happens! Better yet- come up to the gate in a couple hours. You can come in for a drink!" Sharon called as I began heading a separate way to to Rick's house.

   "You got it!" I smiled as I watched her meet up with Lindsey and Marc at the gate. "Here we fuckin' go" I exhaled, walking up to the front door.

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