Chapter 29

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You finished the meeting and went back to your office.

In the office

You went to your cabin and started completing some files when you get a call from your boss. You went to his cabin. Before entering you knock the door. He says you to come in.

Kai:- come in (u went in)
Y/n:- how can I help you
Kai:- are you free today evening as it's a half day today
Y/n:- yes I am free
Kai:- if you dont mind can we both go to a park for a walk together
Y/n:- okay
Kai:- so after work we will go us that okay
Y/n:- okay sir
Kai:- you can continue your work
*you went back to your cabin thinking why he asked you for an outing*

Time skips
It was 4. All went from the office. You were packing your stuff to go then  you remembered that Kai and you will go for a walk so you rushed out.
You saw him waiting for you in the car. You sat in the car.
Y/n:- sorry for being late
Kai:- no problem (he drove to a park)

You reached the park and parked the car. You both were walking through the park passing by the beautiful nature. He suddenly holds your hands you were little bit uncomfortable. He started walking again and you both look at each other at the same time.

You again turn your head to the front looking on the ground and continue to walk

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You again turn your head to the front looking on the ground and continue to walk. Kai spoke breaking the silence.

Kai:- Tell me about your past
Y/n:- I m sorry but I don't like to share my past (hesitating)
Kai:- it's okay
Y/n:- thanks for understanding
Kai:- do you want ice cream
Y/n:- no thanks
Kai:- dont be shy I will buy and come tell me which flavor
Y/n:- vanilla
Kai:- you cant sit on the steps I will bring
Y/n:- okay (he went to buy ice cream and you sat on the steps)

Y/n's pov
I am feeling little uncomfortable. Why he was holding my hand?? Why he was asking about my past?? I don't want to remember about my past. I will start a new life.

He came with the ice creams. You were still in your thoughts. He shakes you and you come back to reality.

Kai:- what are you thinking about
Y/n:- nothing
Kai:- okay take this (he gives you ice cream and sits beside you)

You both were eating silently but u broke the silence.
Y/n:- why did you ask me about my past
Kai:- I just wanted to talk to you so I asked about your past....
Y/n:- oh okay.....but you didn't tell me about your family
Kai:- my parents live in America for the business and I live here with my brother Suho.
Y/n:- okay....
Kai:- what do you like
Y/n:- I like teddy and books the most (u look down in embarrassment)
Kai:- you are actually cute (he pulls your cheeks whick made you shocked)

 Kai:- what do you like Y/n:- I like teddy and books the most (u look down in embarrassment)Kai:- you are actually cute (he pulls your cheeks whick made you shocked)

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You remembered how jk used to pull your cheeks and say that you are cute. You got up which made Kai little confused.
Y/n:- can we go back
Kai:- okay I will drop you
Y/n:- thank you

You both sat in the car. He dropped you to your house. You invited him in but he said that he will visit another day. He goes from there and you went inside.

To Be Continued...............

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