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A Family Dinner (I)



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"So, you're really attending her dinner tonight?" Jessie asked while she and Chloe were taking a walk in the city's park

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"So, you're really attending her dinner tonight?" Jessie asked while she and Chloe were taking a walk in the city's park.

Chloe squints her eyes from the hot sun, "Of course, I feel like since Jax and I are together, then I should at least attend one,"

"You know I don't trust that bitch," Jessica's face scrunched up in annoyance. "She is literally a piece of work,"

Chloe giggles, "Yeah, I've had my encounters with her but I just want to do this for myself. I'm with Jaxon, so yes, I'm going to have to deal with his mother anyway,"

Jessica stares at her cousin, her mind wandering, "I feel like you're doing this just to get the feel of being around Jax, Gemma and the club,"

"I don't want to be afraid," Chloe chimes in. "I'm sure they wonder why Jaxon doesn't bring me around."

"...maybe because Jax doesn't even want you around that." Jess quickly says. "...and that's understandable,"

"Yes, Jax is Vice president of the club but I'll be damn if I have to sit back and not know what he's up to," Chloe made sure to emphasized Jaxon's role in the club. "He's my man and I have the right to worry about him,"

"All I'm saying is that by you being Jaxon's lady, you have to be careful," Jessica says with a worried tone. "That's the con of being with them. It's a dangerous life,"

Chloe stops in her footsteps to look at her cousin, "I'm aware of that, Jess. I know that Jaxon keeps me away from there because of what he does but this is our way of moving forward. I want to know his life and everything that comes with it,"

As much as Jessica wanted to agree with her cousin, she couldn't. Jessica was aware of the situations that Jax and the club would be involved in due to Brandon. So much that her experience in hospitals, sometimes she would have to help some members who were injured at certain times.

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