A Whole Lot of Confusion

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G l a n c i n g carefully at the male beside you, only to tense up once you found yourself locking eyes with his. "Uh- why are you staring at me?" You asked in a whispering volume, just to make sure that the students behind you won't be able to listen or eavesdrop.

"None of your business." He sternly replied, still keeping his gaze to you. His voice was cold, with a tone of being slightly irritated. Even though you were creeped out, you decided and at least tried to ignore him and regain back your focus to the professor teaching in front.

Levi, on the other hand, had been trying to read your mind for the past three minutes, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to pick up at least one word or idea from you. This made him obviously pissed, he had already mastered his skills so why on earth wasn't he able to see what's going on inside that pesky head of yours?

You were starting to get a little uncomfortable, with the male's eyes deeply piercing through your soul, you couldn't help but wonder why he's doing it in the first place.  Your weren't paying attention to whatever Professor Hanji spoke about, but your ears perked up upon hearing the word 'project' being mentioned by the female herself.

"Okay, so this project will be easy, definitely. All you have to do is conduct a little research about a body part or organ I'm about to assign you to and write down a report about everything you've learned about it, easy peasy right? The deadline is next Friday."

Hearing this made most of the students inside the room groan and protest in both frustration and annoyance, no one likes the idea of researching, and let alone writing a report about it.

"I know that y'all have a party to attend to tomorrow Saturday but hey, you still have a whole week with you. And knowing that all of you are such lazy scums, you may pair up with your seatmates in order to finish the project quickly."

You awkwardly glanced at your side, surprised to see that the male wasn't staring at you anymore, and was now napping in his desk. You, being the brave and bold you, decided to lightly tap his shoulder.

"What?" He groggily asked, his voice muffled as he spoke from under his arms. "Uh- what are we gonna have to do about the whole project?" You asked cautiously, earning a shoulder shrug from the male. "Pick a date, time and place." He bluntly said before looking up and gazing at you again, probably waiting for your respond.

Remembering that you're parents will be out at Sunday due to some fancy highschool reunion, you'll have the whole house to yourself. "Sunday, 1 pm, My house." You replied and expected at least an 'okay' from the male, but instead earned a small nod.

Before you even knew it, the bell had suddenly rung. Making the students around you, dash towards the room's main door. "Expect me to arrive." Was all Levi said before disappearing and blending in with the crowd.


"I heard there was a new science project?" Marco asked as he walked beside Jean, who was gulping down a whole bottle of water. "Yeah, but were excused for it because we're part of the soccer team." Connie grinned before doing a playful high-five with Reiner.

After their bloody soccer match, the five of them picked Sasha and you from school and decided to walk home together. "What's it about?" Reiner asked, gripping the backpack strapped on his shoulders.

"Dunno. Ditched it." Sasha bluntly replied, shrugging as she smiled widely. "Yeah, well thank you very much for ditching the subject. I'm paired with Mr. AvoidHimAtAllCost." You sarcastically added upon turning to the brunette.

Hearing this made the horse faced male spit out the mouthful of water he's on the process of gulping down. "Wait, you're with Levi?" He asked, with a tone of disbelief. "Oh, dear. You're in a whooole lot of trouble." Connie cooed, pursing his lips as he spoke.

"You guys always make it sound like he's a shady person or something." You joked, making the freckled male behind you chuckle. "We're just stating the truth."


It was currently Saturday, exactly five pm. Here you are, laying on your bed, silently staring at your bedroom's ceiling, wondering what's really going on with Levi and his whole group thingy. 'Wait, why am I even intrigued about him in the first place?' You sat up, thinking to yourself.

Speaking of the devil, you remembered that even though you gave him a date, time and place, he probably didn't know your house address. You facepalmed as you recalled the fact  that you didn't exchange your phone numbers either.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Your thoughts were cut off when a continuous knocking sound rammed through the wooden material of your bedroom door. Instead of shouting a little 'come in', you stood up from your bed and quickly approached door, swiftly twisting the knob and opening it, only to find your now best friend brunette grinning widely.

"Sasha? What you doing here?" You asked in a pure unexpected tone, completely wondering what on earth the female is doing inside your house. "I was sent by the Gods to doll you up, duh." She sarcastically responded.

"What? But the party starts at eight." Hearing this made the brunette playfully roll her eyes before grabbing ahold of your wrist and dragged you down the stairs.

"Bye, Mrs. L/n! I'll take Y/n with me!" She shouted, earning a loud "Careful on the road!" from your mother, who you believed is probably in the kitchen. "Wait! Where are we going?" You asked in the middle of being forced to sit inside your car.

"Mall. We'll get clothes that'll make you a head turner."

Oh man...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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