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BORN TO DIE epilogue

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BORN TO DIE epilogue

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A LOT HAS happened ever since they left Oregon. In a good and bad way to be more exact. Edward has been more protective than ever before since they still have another threat that hasn't been addressed. Victoria. Alice has been looking over her future constantly to see if the red-headed female was going to make a move any time soon. As of now, Victoria's decisions have been all over the place which is making Edward irritable by the minute. Bella can tell he tries to hide it, but she could see right through him.

Every moment he has been right by her side, hovering around her every move. Bella already knew that until they deal with the Victoria problem, this was going to keep happening.

Bella was pounded with questions as soon as she came back to school. To which she wasn't surprised, but it was still overwhelming for her to deal with. Edward insisted that she should stay an extra day just to be sure that she was completely healed. But, Bella disagreed since she already missed so many days of school and she didn't want to miss anymore.

Of course, everyone was asking her the questions instead of the Cullens since they're not the most sociable around the humans.

Bella gave them all the same answer that the Cullens, Carlisle mainly, told her to tell people when she got back to Forks. "A family emergency had occurred back home and Edward followed her to Oregon." Which is most definitely in his nature to do if that was true.

Thankfully, it has been overcast for a few days while they were all...handling their situation with the nomad so the rest of the Cullens stuck to their original cover story which is that they all took a hiking trip away from Forks.

The only person that had a hard time explaining her situation was her Aunt Lena. When Charlie found out that Bella and Lena have left without any warning truly made him worried. Especially since they abruptly left with no warning.

Lena attempted to explain the situation to Chief Swan as good as possible, sticking to their cover story, but it seemed to be that he wasn't that convinced. Fortunately enough, he eventually took her word for it and expressed his concern to Lena when she and Bella left.

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