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"Why are you doing this to me?" Elijah asked his boyfriend Noah while tears falling. Noah didn't give any emotion towards Elijah. He just gave him the coldest look he could give  him. He's hurt, Elijah just didn't realised what he had done to make Noah said those words. Words he never imagined, words that he prayed Noah would never say in a lifetime.

"It's your doing. You made me do this to you. You can't fool me anymore, Elijah. I just can't take your lies anymore" Noah said with his cold voice. Not minding Elijah who is right now crying in front of him, begging him stay.

"What did I do wrong? Am I not enough? Did I do something you didn't liked? Tell me! I'll make it up to you! Just please stay, please", Noah just couldn't hold the tears anymore, he broke down.

"I didn't want this to happen! You made this happen!", Noah  shouted at Elijah with much anger and frustration. Tears flowing faster , Elijah on the other didn't know what he did to let Noah say those words.

"I'm sorry, baby. Please,stay. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", Elijah said with bended knees begging Noah to stay. He's wishing that this all might be just a dream, a nightmare. Crying,begging, Elijah will do all of those for Noah,even if it's against his pride.

"We have to break up, I can't take this anymore. I'm hurting,everytime I see you. The vision of you with him flashes inside my head. If you don't know what you did, Elijah. I'll tell it to you, you weren kissing a guy in a bar. You  were fucking kissing a guy at the bar! And that wasn't me! That's not all! Not to mention how you touched his butt, how you caressed him like how you caressed me! H- how!", He didn't finished what he said,he just ran as fast as he could away from Elijah,away from all of them. Elijah was still on his knees, he didn't go for Noah. It was his fault,all of it was his fault. He thought, "maybe I should just let you go" . And smiled bitterly a the wind.

"Goodbye,my love. Until we meet again" he said and walked home with a broken heart.

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