17 (End)

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Insane Inlove

Taehyung was sitting in a room, staring into space as he waited for someone to come in. The room was white, even the man in front of him was also wearing white. The man introduced himself and Taehyung smirked "I know"

Okay, maybe I forwarded that too much, let's go back to the days before.

"I love you too" Taehyung was in the bathtub of his and Jin's apartment. Jin walked towards the kitchen and heard Taehyung talking to himself, again. He was worried already, lately Taehyung laughs and stares into space and he even cried in front of the mirror muttering something like he did everything someone said and that he loved him and he should let Taehyung enter his life.

Jin stared at him with wide eyes at that time and asked if he was going through a heartbreak and if he was okay, but the male is not even in a relationship. Taehyung just wiped the tears and said he was fine. Jin shrugged it off and just thought Taehyung was doing some acting stuff but if that's what Taehyung really wants then why did he become a psychiatrist?

Jin also knew how supportive Taehyung's parents are. So why? He sighs.

And now he saw Taehyung again mumbling something like 'I love you' in the bathroom, and it's concerning him more. He wanted to ask the brunette if something is bothering him but he was too worried to even do it.

So he told himself that after going to the asylum he'll head home immediately and confront Taehyung.

He waved the brunette goodbye and proceeded to the asylum and knocked on Yoongi's door earning a lazy 'come in' from the male.

"Oh hello, Jin" Yoongi looked at the male for a while and looked at his computer again typing some words god knows what, Jin sat his bag and prepared his lab coat and then Yoongi handed him the pink folder, and of course he quickly grabbed it from the mint haired male's grasp.

"Yoongi, Taehyung's doing it again"

"Doing what?" Yoongi asked not taking his eyes off the monitor. "You know, talking to himself, he has been spacing out lately. I'm really getting worried" Jin mumbled but loud enough for the male in front of him to hear.

Yoongi instantly stopped what he was doing and looked at Jin with furrowed eyebrows. "Jin, I'm not a psychopist-"


"Right psychopathist, no, psychiapist- sorry, psychiatrist. But I think it's some mental issue. Wait, you've learned this at school, but as far as I can remember Youdontpayattentiontoclass."

Jin stared at him in disbelief "Yoongi I'm being serious right now"

"And you think I'm not?"

"Obviously" Jin rolled his eyes.

Jin stayed silent and Yoongi spoke again "Confront him, you know- do some research maybe? That may help. You know I'm no expert in this so why are you asking me. I'm not even a psychorapist or whatever you call those" He shrugged.

"I'm asking you this as Taehyung's friend, not as a Psychiatrist" Jin replied, emphasizing the word 'Psychiatrist' and walked towards the door.

Jin was now heading home to his and Taehyung's shared apartment, the thoughts about the brunette's well being were the only thing in his mind. He walked into Taehyung watching tv and a soft smile made its way to his lips. He was happy seeing his best friend was okay.

He waited for the right moment and decided to make tea and coffee for both of them. Gosh, this brings so much memory. When Yoongi called Taehyung about the asylum thing and Jin quickly accepted the offer while Taehyung declined it, saying he was occupied lately.

He then placed the tea on the table in front of the television and sat next to the brunette who smiled at him.

Jin sipped a small portion of his coffee and decided to finally speak on what's bothering him lately. "Tae," He said earning a soft hum from the younger. "I was wondering how you are from the past few days, you know, considering I was always in the asylum," He said placing his cup of coffee on the table.

"I'm fine, quite optimistic" He smiled.

"Tae, there's this thing bothering me lately and I'm starting worry about you-" 

"Why? I'm totally fine." Taehyung said innocently and sipped on his tea. "You've been talking to yourself lately," Jin said straightforwardly. 

"Oh, I was imagining things"

"Like what?"

Taehyung remained silent and Jin spoke "Tae, this is bad- I mean not that bad, but just- just bad. I'm a psychiatrist, we both are. And I'm sure you know that." Jin looked at a confused Taehyung and sighed. He decided to just say it directly, "You need to meet a psychiatrist, I know I am one but I am busy with work lately, and I also find it- umm how do I say this... I mean you're a psychiatrist too and-"

"Jin, am I going crazy?"

"What? No. You're fine, you just need a check-up okay?"

"Needing a check-up means that I'm not fine!" Taehyung yelled "I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell," he apologized knowing that Jin is his hyung.

And that's how Taehyung ended up sitting in the middle of a white room, wearing a white dress thinking about what Jimin said.

"You have maladaptive daydreaming. It is a psychiatric condition that causes intense daydreaming that distracts a person from their real life."

"It sounds like schizophrenia and yes, Maladaptive daydreaming is often diagnosed as schizophrenia, which is a type of psychosis. This is because people with schizophrenia cannot differentiate reality from fantasy. I'm sure you know that already since you are also a psychiatrist."

"But some say maladaptive daydreaming is not a psychosis because people with maladaptive daydreaming recognize that their daydreams aren't real. But it can lead to depression,  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), and Obsessive-compulsion disorder(OCD). And yes, it must be treated" Jimin said feeling the tense atmosphere.

"You'll meet your own psychiatrist later okay?" Jimin said and earned a nod from the brunette. "Please proceed to room 136"

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and when he looked up to where the sound was coming from, his eyes widened at the familiar face of a male with black hair, wearing a lab coat, and a genuinely innocent soft smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, Kim Taehyung I'm your psychiatrist-" He said, holding his hand out, in which Taehyung reached and shook.

"-Jeon Jungkook"

"I know"

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