08 | 2000

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Quick recap for those who've not read Draconian:

After the chapter titled 1998, Harry Potter lost the war. He failed to defeat Voldemort, and barely made it out alive. During the Order's escape, Hermione was captured by Death-Eaters. Draco spends the next three years looking for her after Andromeda Tonks tells him about it. He recruits Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini to help him.

Meanwhile, in Astoria...you'll see.

x Noelle


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SHE WATCHES SEVERAL hooded figures enter the establishment. Death-Eaters. There's no doubt about it. The brazen way they carry themselves; the clink of galleons in their pockets. It won't be long before the bell tinkles, and she has to go in again.

She drags in a deep breath and closes her eyes. In her mind, she compartmentalises, as Snape had always told her to do. Precious memories go into their respective boxes; memories of her current routine go to the front. When she opens her eyes, her mind is clear once more.

She takes a step forward, but registers the approaching footsteps too late. She collides right into someone. Her wand flies into her hand without a second thought, and she raises it to the person's neck. It's a war, after all. But as she does, a sharp point digs into her own neck and she finds herself held at wand-point too.

Wide blue eyes blink down at her. "Astoria?"

She stills. Shite. She's forgotten to alter her appearance. But the voice is familiar, although the person's face is hidden by shadows. He lowers his wand and pushes back the hood of his jacket. In the past year that hasn't seen him, he's grown up. Gone is every trace of the boy he'd once been. His jaw now lined with hard angles; his once lanky body defined with muscles. A scar or two mars his cheek, along with a dark bruise on the side of his head.

He's listened to her. He's fighting this war.

"Ron?" She swallows her surprise, along with the ridiculous urge to hug him. Seeing him, or anyone else from Hogwarts alive, is a huge relief at a time like this. She lowers her wand. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm on a mission," he says, his voice hushed. "What're you doing here?"

"I work here."

"You work here?" He seems to suddenly notice her apparel. The low neckline of her bodice, the tight cinch of her waist and her form-fitting dress made of expensive silk. Beneath his scrutiny, she feels stripped bare, but she's immensely glad that his gaze doesn't linger. He looks back up at her and his eyes narrow. "This is the bloody Arcanum. Do you even know what kind of place this is?"

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be working here."


"Jade!" The voice cuts through their conversation. Astoria immediately steps away from Ron, just as an old witch marches up to them. "What're you still doing here, girl?" The Madame grabs her arm and hisses, "He's already in there. You know these Death-Eaters wait for no one!"

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