C H A P T E R / O N E

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> HELLO ? <


The number you have dialed is unavailable at present. Please redial or try again later. Come on Maddie, pick up. That was the tenth time I called since she packed her belongs and left our apartment. The fight we had replayed in my head like a broken record. I never saw her this mad ever, but even through her anger she was the most beautiful being alive. Slow to anger yet so calm and delicate even when she was been hurt and broken. I paced the hallway that connected the kitchen and dinning area in the hopes that I would get a text or call from her, saying that she okay or how much she hates me, but still to no avail. I looked at the pile of Steven Hawkins books on my workbench, unmoved from their previous positions. She left them here, maybe she'll come get them when she remembers it. I speak to no one in particular.

>F L A S H B A C K – 03:31 PM<

The town center, notorious for its beautiful statues and sculptures, are where two young lovers found themselves goofing off like elementary schoolers. Maddison runs along the square , giggling at the doves flying off as she runs closer to them. "Hey, don't fly away. I'm trying to feed you here". She holds out the bag containing a combination of bird feed and crumbs. Minhyun walks up to her quietly, a smile tugging at his lips as he looks at her. "Maybe, if you hold out your hand like this..." he lifts her and pours the bird feed mixture in her hand, delicately extending her arm outward before standing behind her with his arms crossed. "...they'll come flying to you". He finally speaks and snakes his hands around her waist. "Yeah but they keep flying awo-...." Maddison is cut off by his hand gently covering her mouth. The man laughs to himself and mumbles amongst the two of them. "You talk a lot for someone who's trying to attract a bird". They stay in silence for a while before a white dove lands on Maddison's arm, causing the girl to let out a small screech in excitement. Minhyun captures the moment as he usually does whenever he sees her smile, that being the most beautiful sight to him. After an hour of messing around in the square, Minhyun and Maddison take a walk to a nearby restaurant. He made reservations without her knowledge fully aware of the fact that if she knew he did this, she'd tell him that he shouldnt waste money on her.

They head inside to a cozy little corner secluded from the rest of the restaurant, since Maddison wasn't one for crowded spaces. They have their orders taken and chat about the annual science expo Maddison was to take place in this year. Unbeknownst to her, behind the charming smile on her boyfriends face, he was shaking. Minhyun's foot nervously tapped beneath the table as he was waiting for the right moment to ask her the question he was burning to ask.

Soon enough the restaurants orchestra made their way to the table where the couple was seated. "Whats the meaning of all this Hyun?" Maddison asked with a nervous giggle, glancing over to the man who was seated across her. Minhyun grins cutely and rises from his seat striding over to Maddison anxiously as he mentally tries to form the perfect way to ask her what he was planning to all day long. "My sugarplum princess..." he starts off using the name he gave her after seeing her ballet recital of the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy earlier this year, earning a playful scoff from her. He clears his throat and nervously laughs as he licks his lips looking at her, "Ive probably rehearsed how I was going to ask you this 50 times today, but I guess freestyling always does work best." He rambles on as Madison creases her brows further in confusion. "What I'm trying to say is, that I realized without you, my world would be empty. My universe would be empty, the stars wouldn't shine as bright as your eyes do. You're the only woman I want to be with, and I would like to make you my wife." Minhyun goes down on one knee with the distant gasps and coos heard from the other guests. "Maddison Jones, will you marry me?" he asks with glassy eyes, anticipating the answer from the woman standing before him. Maddisons face almost instantaneously pales as she looks between Minhyun and the ring shimmering in the little velvet box her boyfriend holds out to her. "I-I..." she stutters, not knowing what to do in this situation. The girl closes her eyes, breathing in deeply before looking down as tears threaten to fall. "I cant do this, I-Im sorry" she gets up in a rush and storms out of the building, leaving behind a crushed and distraught Minhyun


12:51 AM

The last two hours pass by in a blur. I sat down in one of the lounge chairs in my room, staring at the wall. She was the only thing on my mind. I thought of all the possible locations she could be at, potential people she could have stayed at for the night, but none of the options sound logical. My cellphone vibrates on the coffee table beside me, disrupting me from my thoughts.

(5) New Message(s): Kang Dongho

> Hyung, is everything okay? 04:30 PM

> Minhyun-ah??? 05:15 PM

> Are you getting that good loving? 😉

Tell Maddison I say HI! 07:55 PM

> Hyung, the guys are worried. 08:40 PM

> Please text us back as soon as you get this 09:24 PM


I set my phone down on the coffee table and head back to the kitchen to make an espresso. I tried not to think about anything negative happening to her, I still loved her even if things were a bit rocky at the moment. Every couple has their fights, right? Its normal. She wasn't really thinking of leaving me. Were just on a break because we need space. I kept telling myself this. I held on to the hope that shed come back me and ask us to work things out. I was torn away from my inner conversations by a loud knock on the door.

"Maddie?" I ran to the door with a smile on my face, she was back. At the same time my phone rang the screen lit up displaying Dongho's name. "...Hello, I'm sorry I couldn't answer your calls Dongho-ah. Just give me a minute I'll explain everything in a bit." I speed walked to the door, imagining that I heard Dongho scolding me as to what was more important than him calling to check up on me. That wasn't important to me at the moment, all I knew was she was back. I swung open the door with a force hoping to welcome my love back home. Mad-. It wasn't her. Instead I was met with two Hungarian officers. I couldn't make out the look on their faces but nonetheless I greeted them. "Are you Mr. Hwang? Minhyun Hwang?" one of the officers asked in a thick Hungarian accent. I could tell he wasn't from the city. "Who's asking?" I eye him in suspicion. His colleague avoids my gaze in every way possible. "I am lieutenant officer Burak Tasdemir. Are you in anyway related to Miss Maddison Jones?" the man asks again in a monotonous voice. The second officer beside him tenses and fidgets with his walkie-talkie. Rookie behaviour, something was up. "Yes, shes my girlfriend. Will you please tell me wh-?" "I'm sorry Mr. Hwang, Miss Jones was found dead in an alleyway. It was a robbery gone wrong." He looks down. My world stops. The world went silent and all I could hear was the sound of my heart violently drumming against my chest. Officer Tasdemir speaks but I couldn't hear anything. I lose my grip on my phone as it falls to the ground with a hard thud, forgetting I was on call with Dongho. I fell to my knees, emotionless and all I could hear was the screams of my best friend on the other line. "Hello? Minhyun-ah? Is everything okay?"

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