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Thus is basically a Japanese folk fore revolving around cheating, betrayal and death. 

Kuchisakeonna was a beauty of no bounds. Her face as gorgeous as the lotus flower.  She was desired by men of ages. But she felt a certain attraction towards a handsome warrior who reciprocated her feelings!  She and the warrior were happily married and had a great life till the warrior had to go on a war. He sighed as he promised his wife he will come back. His wife waited for him and soon, she felt lonely and that's when it began to go haywire. She looked at the other Suitors who suddenly looked so handsome. She had affairs with a new suitor or perhaps any normal man everyday.  The news of this woman reached the army too where all the men got enthralled by her description and wanted to seduce her. 

One of the people who heard this was a friend of the warrior who told the warrior about this woman though he didn't know the name. The warrior slowly fell in love with the description of the woman not realising it was his own wife.

So when they returned to the town,  the man and the friend stopped by a place nearby to the house of the warrior. He and his friend were drunk and his friend say "You know the woman I was talking about? She lives around here!". The warrior took this opportunity and thought of courting her. But when he saw the big big doors of his house, he got furious and entered his house. He grabbed his weapon and sliced the mouth of his wife remarking "IF anyone will love somone so hideous now" and left her to die!

Thus was born the ghost of Kuchisakeonna.


she'll be a normal woman in a trench coat and a mask. If she asks if you think she is pretty with the mask on, and you say Yes,  she removed the mask showing of her cutten face. If you still find her pretty and without hesitating say "Yea" she'll leave you with a ruby. But if you hesitate my dear readers, Ha-ha

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