i need a hospital

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When I woke up and felt this painful feeling in my head. I was soaking in the pain and notice something trickling down my cheek. I thought it was sweat, so I wiped it and look at my hand. I found that it's blood. I touch my head again, winced in pain then look at my other hand.I notice my head is bleeding. I looked around my surroundings and notice I was in the back seat of a douge charger because I looked at the name of iy by the air vents. I turned my head to the right notice a figure driving. It took me a while to realize who it was. I realized that it was dj. All of a sudden I remember all the things that had occurred. I remember being in sears picking out a new dress for the club tonight and going to change in the the changing room and notice dj in there.she hit me, We had sex,she left, and I saw her talking to another girl. The last thing I remember is me yelling at her and her boxing me. I must have fell when she did it

"I need to go to the hospital dj!" I said frantically

"oh please you will be alright." She said unfazed

"Dj how the hell you can say that. I'm fucking bleeding. Take me to the damn hospital!" I said yelling at her and kicking her seat

"if your dumbass want calm the fuck down I'll stop this car and beat the shit out you.your stupid ass. Chill the hell out. Take the towel and wrap it around your head until we get home." She said angrily "I called my sister and said you fell backwards and hit your head on the concrete when you was running after me. She will be at the house soon."

I don't know why the hell I'm with her. She puts her hands on me,treat me like a child, and forces sex on me. The only thing that is stopping me is the fact that she is murderous. She is in a gang called "the devils" which means she is ruthless and she can kill me or have her homeboys kill me. Im just scared to leave. She doesn't care for me or respect me because if she did she wouldn't hit me or treat me this way. I have no idea why she is like this. I talk to her multiple times about it ,but all I get is a girl shut the fuck up I care about you. I may not show you the way you want me to,but I do. Fuck that shit I know she doesn't care and I just don't understand why she wants me. I am nothing to her.when we first met I never would have thought she woyld be like this.when Dj and I met, we were at a lesbian night club call "fetish"


"Rhonda your ass bet not leave me by myself. You always do that shit." I said yelling at her over the loud music

Rhonda and I came up in the lesbian Club dressing like divas. She wore a short tight black dress that hugged her body,red bottoms,and with her curly weave in going down her back. I wore a short tight fitting dress with long sleeves. I also had red bottoms, diamond earrings with my hair in a ponytail(real hair).

"Girl please you grown and I grown I can do what the hell I want." She said as we head to the bar ordering drinks "girl please don't look like that I was just playing with you. I want leave you. you're my sister."

"Mhm can I get a limarida?" I asked the bartender

"Look faith. I see that stud over there wearing the yellow polo shirt checking you out."she said pointing towards the stud who was winking at me

When I first saw dj at the bar she was wearing a yellow polo shirt,black jeans, and black and yellow polo shoes. She looked real tight.

"Oh shit Rhonda she coming over here. What the hell do I do?" I said frantically

"Girl I don't know what you going to do,but I know I'm going to leave and hit the dance floor cause my song on. yes honey. Bye." She said leaving me like she always do

"Wassup ma. I see your sexy ass here all by yourself since that girl left  Why is that?"

"Why is it any of your business huh. Why you here talking to me anyway. How you know I want you here talking to me?" I snapped at her

"Whoa whoa whoa ma. If you don't want to talk to me than I'll just leave."she said walking off

"No,no don't go. I didn't say that. Look I'm sorry for snaping at you I'm just mad that my little sister left me." I said calling her back

"Well I'm here with you. Does that make you happy. You too beautiful to be mad like that you know." She said touching my chin as I blushed

"Thank you. So what's your name?"I said over the loud music

"My name is dj ma. Whas yours?" She asked

"Faith."I said lookong into her eyes

After the time at the club we was inseparable and she was such a gentlemen to me and nice,but later on in the relationship she got angry at the fact how I would leave the house with clothes that would show a little clevage.

"Where you going with that shirt on?"she asked putting up her shirt

"To dinner with you. Why?You don't like the shirt or something?" I responded putting on my makeup in the bathroom

"No you not." Dj said

"Bae.Why can't I. You don't want me to show a little cleavage for you?" I said going up to her and kissing her neck

"Not to where you have a lot of people looking at your breasts. Hell no. Take that shit off." She said angrily

"Bae please." I begged

"What did I say." She said looking at me seriously

"You know what I don't care what you think. I'm going out here wearing my shirt and not you or anyone can stop me." I said heading back into the bathroom.

"Oh really?" Dj said

Before I knew it she slaped me across the face so hard that hit the ground. I hit the ground asking why dj hit me ,but she didn't listen. She went on top of me and kept boxing me and boxing me to the point where there was a lot of blood. After a while she stopped hitting me and let me lie there without saying a word. I got up,fixed myself and laid in the bed with her. I turned away from her trying to go to sleep when she yanked my legs and started having sex with me. I didn't want her to touch me and I was trying real hard to let go ,but she wouldn't let me. And that how it all started.


How you like the story. Please vote y'all and comment. Y'all wanna read but can't leave anything. Kik@shakerria2015


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