chapter 7

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Annabelle's POV:

It's evening time, I took a shower, changed into my night wear and then, ran down to have dinner.

Mom wasn't done cooking. so, I went to help her in the kitchen. "Mom, what are we having today?" I asked her

"We are having mashed potatoes, chicken and brussel sprouts" mom said. "Hmmm, that's nice mom" I said with a smile on my face.

"So, how has school been for you dear?" Mom asked

"It has been cool but mum I want to discuss something with you"

"What is it dear?" She asked, looking a bit worried. " Mom, it's not something to worry about" I said assuringly.

" It's about a girl at my school, she has been acting weird lately and she was always jovial" I said.

"Oh! the chicken is ready" she wore her mitten and took the chicken out of the oven while I set the table.

We sat down and continued the discussion." She has been chasing people away, mom" i said with a worried look.

My mom looked at me with a look I know too well. That's the look she gives when she wants to give an important advise and I make sure to listen carefully cos' such advise had always helped me.

" What does the bible say in 1Timothy 2:1?" She asked.

" It says,I urge then, first of all that petitions, prayer, intercession be made for all people" I replied.

" I may not be able to help you with all of this but I know someone who can. Go to God in prayers for Elizabeth and hear what he has to say"

" Thanks mom," i said, i'm so glad I spoke to my mom about this, she gives the best advice.

We finished eating,I cleaned up the plates and kissed my mom goodnight before going to my room

When I got to room, I took up my Bible and read few verses and then I prayed. While I was praying I remembered what my mom said about praying for Elizabeth.

" Oh Lord, please help Elizabeth with anything she is going through, reveal to me what is wrong with her and use me to help her, thank you Lord for your love over Elizabeth that you brought her to this world
I know you have answered my prayers by faith, for in Jesus name I pray, Amen"

I closed up my Bible and slept.

I heard someone screaming from a dark alley, as I got closer the sound became clearer, she seemed lost.

The girl was crying with a very cracked voice "help me!!! help me!!! help me!!!"

A/N:Sorry guys for waiting this long before posting and for the very short chapter, couldn't wait to post

Thanks once again for checking out my book
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                       Lots of love 😘

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