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Okay keep in mind, most of these revolve around Harry. Also! Voldey died when trying to kill Harry as a baby and they are 15 in this one.


Harry took a deep, shaky breath. His breath coming out uneven and raspy.

Panic Attack.

Harry has anxiety. Really bad anxiety. This anxiety started when he was younger. Probably around age 4 or 5. But at the time, he had lived with the Dursley's, who didn't know, yet even if they did know, they wouldn't have cared. Along with the fact that no one notices it when you're young.

This anxiety is also the Dursley's fault.

The beatings, the neglect. All of the horrid things those horrid people had done to a child. A toddler.

Once Harry had moved in with Sirius and Remus though, they helped him through it when they noticed what it was. Once he was 13, and they were for sure it was anxiety, they got him into therapy.

Harry actually liked, and appreciated therapy.

It was helping.

At least he thought so.

Harry's exercises weren't helping at the moment. In fact he knew it was getting worse.

That terrifying feeling when you can't breathe. When you start shaking and you just can't stop.

Harry glanced to the clock on the wall in the potions classroom. Snape had made him stay after school to clean the classroom for not getting his homework done. And most likely because he hated Harry inside and out.

He slowly and as steadily as he could, pulled his phone out. He dialed Remus' number, knowing Sirius was gone on a mission with the Order. (At this Hogwarts, it's different because you go home after classes like normal school. There's still common rooms and what not though.)

Harry waited and waited, playing with his hands anxiously, and feeling like something was pressing on his chest cutting of his air flow.

It went to voicemail. Harry let out some kinda noise between a sob and a sigh. "Hey Moony... uh it's happening again," Harry took a deep breath. "My exercises aren't really working right now... I-" Harry put the phone down quickly, sitting but also kinda falling down to the floor.

God it hurt. He didn't know what hurt exactly but whatever it was was killing him. He closed his eyes and tried counting his three's again. He looked up at the sound of the door opening.

Draco Malfoy stepped quietly into the room, shutting the door just as cautiously as he had opened it.

Harry was leaned up against the wall, laying his head gently against it, keeping his eyes trained on Draco making his way towards him.

Harry gripped the bottom of his own shirt for some kind of comfort and support. It wasn't much, but it was all Harry could think of at the moment as seconds ticked by, the attack getting worse.

Draco sat down slowly in front of him. Without an introduction, Draco began talking in his calm, smooth voice.

"What are the three... most annoying teachers here at Hogwarts?" Draco asked softly, a small smile etched onto his pointed features.

Harry gulped, trying to steady out his breathing. He thought for a second, then took a shaky breath, his voice coming out quiet and raspy. "Snape," Harry managed out.

Draco nodded. A smirk on his face. "He is a d**k. Nothings ever good enough for the man. Always something wrong," Draco chuckled shortly, immediately getting back to distracting. "Second person?"

Harry was beginning to find his breathing was getting easier. His breaths not coming out so awkward and raspy. His grip loosening on his shirt. He lifted his head a bit and took another deep breath. "Uh... Slughorn?" Harry now knew what Draco was doing. Remus and Sirius did it all the time. They'd ask questions or make conversation to distract Harry and calm him down. It worked the best. Being with someone worked the best.

Draco smiled. "I actually quite like him if I'm being honest. I would agree with him being annoying though. He's too... overly happy..." Draco answered quickly and smoothly.

Harry was sitting up more now. Trying to get his breathing steady and his mind cleared. Draco raised an eyebrow. "The third?" He asked etching closer to Harry.

Harry gulped, swallowing. He took a deep breath. This one much steadier and cleaner than the other ones. "Fricking Trelawny," Harry said a smirk growing on his face.

Draco smirked. "That woman is so paranoid. Every little thing or saying gets her running," Draco chuckled.

Draco stood, making his way over to the table Harry had been cleaning. He picked up the handmade dusty rag and finished wiping the counter off for Harry.

Meanwhile, Harry had his head down, the attack finishing, Harry getting his breath back, the shaking slowly leaving his body. He looked up at Draco, squinting a bit. "How-how did you know?"

Draco didn't look up from his cleaning. "Well, my mother... she has anxiety. I think it's from my father. Every thing she's been through, I get it. I'm honestly surprised I don't have it. As for the knowing you were panicking, I was walking by and I heard you on the phone,"

Harry nodded slowly as he stood up shakily. "Thanks... thanks a lot. I mean it,"

Harry's phone began to ring. He fished it quickly out of his pocket. Remus. Harry answered putting the phone up to his ear. He didn't even get to say a greeting when all he heard was Remus going on about things clearly freaking out.

"Harry! Oh god Harry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't answer. I was on the phone with Sirius and I just... god I'm so sorry!" Remus was very nearly yelling at this point.

Harry smiled. "I'm fine Remus. I-I got help. From a friend,"


Harry pulled his knees to his chest, sobbing into them, breath ragged and body shaking horribly. He had tried. He had tried so hard to get through his presentation. All he had had to do was speak and explain and he would of passed and been done with it.

But no. He just had to panic. Had to freak out. His hands had gotten sweaty and he had started shaking like mad.

Now he was here. In a broom closet near the potions classroom, sobbing into his knees.

That is until he heard a knock.

Harry looked up at the door. Unable to stop the choked sobbed that escaped his lips.

"Harry?" It was soft. Harry knew that voice. He knew that voice so well. The door opened slowly, revealing a curious Draco Malfoy.

"Again? Really?" Harry said chuckling a bit through the tears and the harsh breathing and shaking.

"Guess so," Draco said coming to sit in front of him. "Just breathe,"

Harry took a deep breath. All he got in response to that was a sob. "Jesus I'm sorry..."

Draco leaned forward, gently cupping Harry's face, using his thumbs to wipe away some of the falling tears. "Don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry for something like this. And don't hold it in. It hurts worse when you hide it away," Draco said softly looking into the emerald green known as Harry's eyes.

Harry let out another choked sob. He could feel another one when he was cut of by warm lips pressing onto his own.

It was nice. God it was nice. It was long and calming and Harry didn't want it to end.

Draco broke apart. "F**k anxiety,"


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