Chapter 7

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"Yams.." Amiko said as Yamaguchi turned around eyes filling with tears, he fell down to the floor with a thump and just sobbed for a while,  {recap}


Yaki and Amiko both looked at each other with concerned eyes and rubbed Yamaguchi's back in tiny circles to calm him down, finally after about 20 minutes of Yamaguchi crying he got up and wiped his tears away as he sniffled and smiled at the two girls who smiled back at him warmly. " he really came here and ruined the whole mood, hmph" Yaki said sitting down, pouting, and crossing her arms " right?" Amiko said getting up " let's clean?" She said reaching her hand out to Yamaguchi " yeah" he said standing up, " ughh i dont wannaaaa" she said whining but getting up " we can do something else after" Amiko said while taking the bowl off her head and scraping butter cream on the walls into it. " fineeeee" Yaki said as she got up to help. The 3 finally finished cleaning the house and it looked spotless " Wow, it looks like we never even completely destroyed it" Yaki said proudly, the other two just laughed and and rolled their eyes " now we can all take showers" he said touching his sticky hair " I only have 2 bathrooms though so" Yamaguchi said smirking at the two girls " looks like you two are showering together" the two girls blushed and didn't say anything " just give us the towels, stupid" Yaki said crossing her arms and blushing. Yamaguchi gave the two towels and they headed to the guest bathroom and went to take a shower. Yamaguchi heard the shower turn on and figured he should finally get in to, he grabbed his towel and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, he got in and first thing he did was wash the syrup out his head which started to burn, he washed it all out and cleaning off the frosting and cream off his body, he finally got out and saw Yaki and Amiko both dead asleep on HIS  bed wearing HIS clothes ' how annoying' he thought with a chuckle as he covered the two girls and headed down stairs towards the couch

He laid there for about 15 minutes when he realized he just wasn't sleepy, he went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes were still puffy and red from crying and bags starting to form under his eyes since it was already almost 3 in the morning, he decided he would go for a jog in the cold night, it would make him much more calm and maybe even tired, he quietly crept into his room seeing Amiko and Yaki cuddled up sound  asleep and grabbed running clothes and a jacket, he grabbed his earbuds off his desk and changed, he left the room and closed the door quietly. He took the keys, put on running shoes and left locking the door behind him. He took a deep breath in smelling the cold air and already felt calmer, he put his earbuds on and a smile came across his face as he started jogging, he jogged but he didn't know where he was going, he just let his legs guide him to wherever they wanted, he ended up pretty far from his house, but he was at a park 'why am I here' he wondered looking around and surprised to see Tsukishima and kuroo kissing under a tree, Yamaguchi froze, am I gonna cry again he asked himself, too his surprise a " tch" came out of his mouth and he smiled, 'who cares at this point' he said as he turned and jogged right pass them, catching Tsukishima's eye but he didn't wanna break from the kiss.

Yamaguchi was jogging to who knows where when he heard a PING

the crows (karasuno) ✨:

Next weekend we will be with Johzenji, Nekoma, and Fukurodani to do some practice matches, don't forget

Tangerine 🍊:
yeahhhh!! Kageyama Kageyama let's practice our quick attack!!

Milk boy 🥛:
dumbass hinata he have to anyways

can you guys maybe shut up.

Yamaguchi 😊:
yes Daichi 👍

Yamaguchi closed his phone and smiled ' well i should get home' he thought as he ran right pass kuroo and Tsukishima again who this time were star gazing, totally ignoring them he ran all the way back home. He unlocked the door and went in taking off his shoes and going to the couch, he could hear Amiko's obnoxious snoring from downstairs, he went to the couch and collapsed as the tiredness takes him into sleeping paradise. He's woken up by the poking of the two girls who were pouting infront of his face " oh my gosh..what..?" Yamaguchi said tiredly and quite annoyed sitting up " we're boredddd~" the two said in unison " ughhh" Yamaguchi said getting up and heading to the kitchen to pour himself some cereal. He was about to sit down at the table when he saw the two girls looking at him with pouts " ughhhh we can go to that new restaurant that just opened up okay!!!? Jeez!" he said finally giving in " YAYYY" the two girls shout running up to his room to get ready, he ate his cereal in peace 'wait a minute...' he thought about to put the spoon in his mouth ' why would they get ready in my room..they didn't bring clothes.. MY CLOTHES..' he said as he ran upstairs and rapidly knocked on the door " you guys better not be trying on my clothes you Insulins!!!" the two girls opened the door, Yaki was in Yamaguchi's beige sweater that hang to the short girls knees and she had a pair of his socks on with her shoes, Amiko had on a shirt that she cut into a crop top, it was black and originally said " give up and you'll never succeed" and it now only said "give up" she also has black shorts that used to be jeans of Yamaguchi's but are now shorts of Amiko's, she had on a pair of Yamaguchi's socks as well and her shoes " how do we look~" they both said. Yamaguchi sighed and said "thank you Yaki for not CUTTING any of my clothes" he said glaring at Amiko who was smirking back, he couldn't lie though she did look badass " goth look ey?" Yamaguchi said laughing " whatever im slaying" Amiko said arms crossed " whatever, let me change" he said going in the room and pushing the 2 out. He checked his phone " dang 4:45? I must've really been tired to wake up this late he thought as he went into his closet to find an outfit, he finally decided on washed jeans and a pink sweater which complimented his hair in a way and white converses. He grabbed a bag that had some things in it, his wallet and his keys and went down stairs. He greeted the girls who "oooed" and "ahhhed" him down the steps and he just rolled his eyes and smiled " let's go" he said leaving his house with the girls, the new restaurant wasn't far so they decided to walk, they walked and talked and laughed until they got there. Yamaguchi opened the door for them " my lady's" he said as he bowed and couldn't help but laugh while doing it, the two girls looked at him and covered their faces dramatically like they were blushing " oh my gosh your such a gentleman!" Amiko said dramatically " wow you are so handsome, kiss me!" Yaki said acting like a 90's movie character. All three of them laughed when a familiar voice said " Yamaguchi?" Yamaguchi turned around to see no other then, Tsukishima and kuroo holding hands. " what are you doing here?" Tsukishima said looking at the girls then Yamaguchi again " wow two girls? Lady's man huh?" Kuroo said laughing a bit but nobody else laughing with him. " uhhh" Yaki said trying to hold in a laugh, she laughed at the worse times " pfft- Yamaguchi we should-pfft- we should go" she said trying really hard not to laugh, Amiko being her she saw Yaki turning red from not laughing which made her start to laugh and hold it in. Yamaguchi just looking at Tsukishima because he was so surprised. Not by the fact that he was here with kuroo or that his friends were dying, no. He looked at Tsukishima longer " well shit"

1405 words, guys im on a roll ,':)

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