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                    Sakiya ' Meeka' Washington
                       Ky | 19 | Chicago Illinois

" niya you want sum nachos?"
" umm sure" I nod grabbing my plate and juice walking into the living room handing it to her.

" thanks "
" no problem"  I nod going to fix my plate. Coming back into the living room I sit onThe couch watching whatever she's watching.

We eat in a silence. I'm comfortable with it but I feel her staring at me and it feels like she wants to say something but doesn't.

" he Say bitches be bonkers" I laugh
" Sakiya"
" wassup?"
" can I talk to you?" I nod hesitantly cause with niya it's always something extra.

" always wassup" I put my cup down giving her my full attention facing her.
" I'm sorry"
" for?"
" leaving for damn near a month and not contacting you. I know I've been a bad sister and treating you wrong lately but I'm sorry"

" not just lately you've been treating me wrong" I can say before I stop myself. t
" Ho-"

I cut her off and continue letting it all out. It's better to do that than hold it in and have animosity and resent her.
" you don't treat me like a sister you treat me like a friend that disposable to you and doesn't have feelings. Like when I told you to wake me up before your company came that was because I was sleep half naked on the couch. Or when you told me about dude you meet in Atlanta I wasn't judging you I was truly curious about the situation. Not to mention not once when you got back did you say 'hey sister I missed you how you been?' Or ask what's been going on with me"

" that-"
" it's always about you and if it's not then the whole world can go to hell. I always push my feeling to the side to make sure your ok. Just like now I fixed myself a plate of food but couldn't stop myself from asking your stingy ass did you want sum then the plate I made for myself I gave to you and made me another." I rant feeling a weight off my shoulders.

" that's not fair cause when mama died I took care of your ass I still do sakiya"

" noo when mama died we took care of eachother yeah of course you had a little bit more responsibility because you were older than me but I never added any pressure to our situation. If it was something I wanted and needed money I figured it out on my own I'm grateful for you I am but I never asked you for anything I did what I was supposed to do I graduated high school at 16 with a 4.0 gpa and all honors classes top ten. I took on nursing classes when i was 17. I did all of that on my own those are things I'm supposed to do. I never did anything extra because I didn't want add to your stress cause you were always complaining about this, that and the third."

" and for you to say you take care of me now I bullshit and you know it. I pay my half of the rent sometime a portion of yours to when you don't have it I basically have four jobs and to provide for myself. For my future and all my shopping expenses you don't do that I do!" I point to myself.

" don't tell me your sorry or make excuses just do better" I grab my plate off food walking off to the kitchen wrapping it putting it in the microwave. I lost my appetite.

She got the nerve to say she took care of me like I didn't help her. She never really had to take care of me because I was always doing what I was supposed to do. I never went to parties barely had friend lms always focusing on my next move. Her ass always acted like she was taking care of ten nothing fucking kids.

She was just providing for me paying for shoes and clothes and I didn't ask for much. I helped her out as much as I could and so did daddy and G-Ma her ass live to play the victim and give excuses I ain't doing that shit no more imma start speaking my mind.

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