The Beginning

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POV: Julia

I was so excited for the first day back to school not only because it is my senior year but also because I was going to see my friends, Caleb and Zack again. I hadn't  been able to hang out with them because I went on a trip around the globe with my mom's side of the family.

I looked in the mirror one last time before leaving my room. I wore and navy blue crew-neck over and white polo shirt and a pale blue skirt. For my shoes I wore my regular black Dr. Martins. 

"Julia come and eat breakfast!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs. 

"Coming!" I yelled as a grabbed my backpack and bounded down the stirs and into the dining room.

My dad was putting a stack off pancakes on the table while my 14 year old brother, Asher was trying to feed my baby brother Jax some baby food. 

"Hey there sunshine! How did you sleep?" my dad asked when he looked up at me.

"Fine I guess," I answered. The truth was that I had hardly slept because I was too excited.

"Julia, honey, you're driving your brother to school today," my mom said as she walked into the room.  

"What!" Asher and I yelled. 

"What about Angie? I thought she was driving him and his friends?" I asked.

"Yeah what about Angie?" my brother said his eyes bigger than the pancake I was eating.

"She cancelled last minuted," my mom explained as we groaned, "look I'm sorry but you guys will have to deal with it. Maybe Asher can get a new ride at school."

I stuffed the last bite of pancake in my mouth and stood up, "Whatever," I turned to Asher, "just get in the car. I'm  not going to be late because of your lazy ass." 

We got into the car I had gotten for my birthday last year and went to school. 

Hey guys! so this is my first story so let me know how it is feel free to leave constructive criticism :)

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