At Goode

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POV: Julia

As Asher and I walked into the school we went down different halls in search off our friends. I decided to put my stuff in my locker before I go looking. As I'm putting my stuff in my locker i feel two arms wrap around my waist and spin me around in the air. 

"Caleb! Put me down!" I laugh as I look at him.

"What I can't say hello to my dear friend who I haven't seen in AGES?" he said dramatically.

"Well if it isn't Miss travel the world without her friends," Zack said shaking his head at the two of us.

"Good to see you too Zack," I laughed while hugging him. 

We started talking about our summers and comparing our schedules when the whole hallway went quiet. I looked around and saw everyone looking at the doors in shock. I turned and there in the middle of the entry way was Percy frickin Jackson.

"Is that..." I heard Caleb whisper while Zack nodded head.

It was Percy Jackson but he was different. You see last year Percy was just a student at our school. But he was also the same student who blew up our band room and when he came back for his junior year he was different than the previous years. He was more serious and people tended to be afraid of him and would move out of his way in the hallway. And then after winter break he didn't come back to school. he was just gone. Every time someone asked Mr. Blowfis, his step-dad, about it he would get all sad and change the subject.  People started talking and guessing about what happened to him. Some people said he had been killed, others said he ran away, but nobody really knew.  

But this  Percy was waaaaayyyy scarier and unnerving. He was wearing black ripped jeans, black converse, and a blue Goode swim team sweatshirt with his hood up. He was tense under everyone's stares but I couldn't pull my eyes away. I couldn't see his face but i could see the frown that he wore as he stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt pocket.  

We all watched as he walked through the hall and to his locker. We didn't look away until he slammed his locker shut and stalked into a classroom.

Immediately i spun around to talk to my friends, "Oh. My. God. How is he back I thought he was dead!" 

"This is insane. This is so crazy," Caleb mumbled while Zack just stared in shock at Percy's locker in shock. 

The bell rang startling everyone out of their trance-like state. I said bye to my friends as i went to my homeroom.

Here's the second chapter I'm going to be making Percy how I think he would be after going through tartarus so it probably won't be like the canon Percy very much :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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