80- Return

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Even through the strong pain killers, I was able to stand from my wheelchair, despite everyone's protests, and hobble into Jiyoo's arms for a well needed hug. She looks different since the last time I saw her. Her hair now reached her collar bones and adorned some highlights. Her skin has a healthy tan with a bit of a rosy burn on her nose. But, other than that, she was my Jiyoo.

Her arms wrap around my shoulders loosely, careful not to hurt me, and she presses her nose into my hair. "Did you always smell this good?" She asks, taking a long inhale.

"Did you?" Her honey scented hair had me pressingly face into her newly dyed locks. "You smell like California, is that even possible?"

We pull away, both with tears in our eyes, and she helps me back into my wheelchair. I watch with a smile as the guys hug her tightly, then watch the awkward encounter between Jiyoo and Yoongi.

Yoongi scratches the back of his head nervously, allowing some of his hair to fall into his eyes. "So... you're back."

Jiyoo smiles softly. "I'm back."

"For good?"

The smile on my face widens when she nods, then I burst into a full beam as the two pull each other into a tight hug. Yoongi had been sulkier since she left, so now that she's back for good, we'll have our real Yoongo-Boongo back.

The two scamper off, both in need of some privacy and a bit of a little reunion. I smile to myself and continue to eat my food while the guys sit in silence.

"Did you guys expect that?" I ask, looking at everyone.

Tae shakes his head, his floppy hair flying. "No, I thought she was staying in LA for good."

"Who knows why she's back, I'm just glad she is." Jimin states. "No one can make a cappuccino like she can."

Jin turns to Jimin with an appalled gasp leaving his lips. "You said I make the best ones!"

"Well, I lied."

Jin scoffs. "How rude of you."

"Sorry hyung, sucks to suck." Jimin grins childishly and mockingly blew a raspberry in his elder's direction.

The soft sound of feet padding in the direction of the dining room has everyone turning around, except for me, who could barely turn without striking a painful position. Jungkook steps towards us in baggy sweats, a t-shirt and massive bed head. His eyes are swollen from sleep and his cheeks are cute and chubby.

"Nice of you to join us, Koo." Namjoon calls.

"You missed quite a bit while you were passed out." Hobi adds.

Jungkook seems like he was in a tired daze, not really paying attention to what everyone was saying. So, Jimin grins and I know for a fact that he was going to do something stupid.

"Yeah, Jina gave us quite the strip show." He says nonchalantly.

Kook nods as if he was just told the weather. Seems anything will fly right over your head when you're tired. "Uh-huh, that sounds fun— wait, what?" His eyes suddenly widen and his head shoots up so fast that I'm worried he got whiplash. "She what?"

I snicker and soon after, the guys burst into loud, tear inducing laughter. Jungkook stares at everyone with a dazed confusion, blinking repeatedly.

I reach out with my good arm and stroke his wrist gently. "He's joking, I gave them all lap dances."

Jungkook looks like he's having a stroke. He splutters slightly, his puffy lips opening and closing several times as he tries to find the words to say, yet he comes up with nothing. This results in everyone going into full on hysterics, smacking the table with open hands and tears threatening to fall from their eyes. Poor bunny looks more confused than ever.

Suddenly, a loud slam startles everyone into silence and loud, thumping footsteps follow. Everyone gulps and slowly turns to watch as Yoongi stalks in, his eyes ablaze and in his boxers and his boxers only.

I scream and cover my eyes. Looks like there's another thing added to my list of traumatic experiences. "Ah! My eyes!"

A pair of hands cover my eyes even further and judging by the length of the fingers, it's Tae.

"Yah, hyung! There is a child sitting right here! Learn some manners!" He chastises sarcastically. I can practically hear the pouty frown in his voice.

"I will when you all learn when to shut up." Yoongi seethes. "Trying to spend quality time with your long distance girlfriend is very difficult when there's a mass of literal children screaming in your dining room."

"Hyung, maybe this will teach you to soundproof your room—"

"No. My room is not the problem, you all don't know what is too loud." He accuses. "Now, all of you, shut. Up." The sound of footsteps leaving the room has me remove my hands from my face.

Everyone stares at each other with blank expressions for a moment. No one says anything or does anything. That is, until the sound of giggling has everyone turning to Jimin. His face has gone red from concealing laughter and his shoulders are shaking.

Hobi suddenly follows suit, clamping a hand over his mouth. Then Jin. Then Tae, Kookie, and then our very own leader submits to a small smile that spreads across his face.

All eyes fall on me and suddenly, containing laughter is last on my list of to-dos. A wide smile spreads across my face and a chuckle escapes my lips.

That, for some reason, gives everyone permission to break out into another fit of loud, tear-jerking, uncontrollable laughter.

A loud bang, followed by a loud, shrieking "IDIOTS" has everyone doubling over.

I smile genuinely, watching everyone completely fall apart with laughter. Everything is as it should be.


A/N: yeah..... it's been a really long time.

I haven't had the inspiration to keep writing this, however, I didn't want to become one of those authors that just stops writing their book and leave everyone with the sense of unfinished business.

So, I'm gonna try to slowly bring myself to finishing this book once and for all and hopefully you guys can remain as patient as you have been for the past two years.

Oh god it's been two years💀💀

Anyway, this chapter is kind of short but i hope you guys enjoyed it!

Lots of love!

- bangtan_bomb_

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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