The Lover

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Narrator POV:

The Mark 

The Mark 

The Mark

Out of all the words that Jughead yelled out to Sweet Pea, those were the only ones that apparently imprinted themselves in his brain. He rushed out of there in a rage before his history teacher came back and walked straight down the school hallway, trying his best to contain his anger. He knew that he needed to speak to Betty as soon as possible but in order to do that he needed to calm down but it seemed nearly impossible to do when those words were continuously repeating themselves in his mind. Sweet Pea continued down the hallway but immediately stopped in his tracks when he seen his history people walking down the hallway with whom he assumes to be the principal, he scrunches up his nose and immediately walks the other way before he gets caught up in getting a punishment for the fight he just got into with the stupid quarterback whom most likely will just get a slap on the wrist while he gets suspended or something so he quickly turned the corner and took off his Serpent Jacket to avoid getting caught up since in this moment he didn't have time to waste, he needed to get to Betty and fast. Thankfully for him, he spots a kid with glasses putting some books into his locker and rushes up to him to ask where the gym was since he remembers Betty telling him that she had P.E for first period. 

"Hey, You mind telling me where the gym is at?" Sweet Pea asks out in  a breathless tone, wiping some blood off his eyebrow and his lip. 

The young boy quickly turned to look over at him and widened his eyes in shock or maybe fear, who knows but Sweet Pea really didn't care. At least not right now. The boy pushes his glasses up from the bridge of his nose and swallows rather loudly, causing Sweet Pea to roll his eyes in annoyance "Dude, chill. I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to tell me where the gym is at. Please." Sweet Pea then says. 

The boy analyzes Sweet Pea and when he realizes that he means well, he nods his head and decides to help him "If you go down this hallways just make a right and it'll be on your left hand side. You can't miss it there's a big sign that tells you" He then says, Sweet Pea nods his head at him and looks towards the direction he just told him to go "Thanks man, I owe you one" The serpent replies, patting him on the shoulder as he walks past him. And while the Serpent is heading towards the gym to finally ask Betty to tell him about her history with a certain raven haired quarterback, that same quarterback is in the classroom trying his best to calm down. He shoves Reggie off him and quickly tries to readjust himself and brush himself off. Running his hands through his hair as he walks back towards his desk to sit down but before he could, he heard the classroom door open causing him and all the other students in that class look over towards the door to see who it was walking in and when he saw his first period teacher walking in with Principal Honey, he mentally groaned, kicking himself for letting this get too far but what did he expect. 

"Mr. Jones and Mr. Connor. Please come with me" Principal Honey announces with his hands crossed behind his back with a stern look on his face. Jughead simply smirks and does as he is told but when Principal doesn't see a second body walking up he questions it "And where is Mr. Connor?" He asks. 

"He walked out" Moose answered instantly, Principal Honey raises up his eyebrows and scoffs at the words he just heard but really what did he expect from a Serpent? "You know what Mr. Jones, how about I let you off with a warning huh?" leaving everyone in the classroom shocked at his response "But if there is a next time, then you won't be so lucky" Principal Honey then says, Jughead nods his head in understanding and instantly walks back towards his desk and takes a seat, ignoring all the looks and whispers from those around him. "Damn bro you got lucky" Reggie whispers at him with a smug grin on his face, a grin that Jughead returns, feeling a little too lucky at the moment, feeling like today was finally going his way but that couldn't be said for Sweet Pea who was currently rushing into the gym and scanning the area for a certain blonde whom he needed answers from. It takes a few minutes to finally see Betty towards the other end of the gym, trying to avoid any contact and quickly sprinted over towards her, ignoring the calls from the gym teacher. 

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