Daycare for Tom

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Sophie called Tom's office and let them know that Tom won't be there for the next 2 weeks. They said it was alright, and Sophie got to work. She made the guest room into a babies room, and got a crib, highchair, more diapers, toys and a baby swing. After she set this up, Sophie woke up Tom. "Babe, wake up!" Sophie said cheerfully. "YAWWNNN." Tom woke up and scrunched up his face. "Do you need a diapee change?" Sophie asked, it was a rhetorical question. Tom's diaper was a dark shade of yellow and brown. Tom fully woke up, and said "Do I have to work today?." Sophie shook her head and said "I have orders from the doctor! We'll go over the rules in a minute." She changed Tom, and put him in a onesie. Then Sophie placed him in a walker. "Why am I in this?" Tom demanded. "I told you we'll go over the rules in a minute! Now come to the kitchen." Tom walked in the walker to the kitchen where Sophie had a list called "Rules for baby Tom" The list had:

Must eat baby food

Act like below 5 years old

Daycare during day time, and naps

Diapers full time


Has to listen to whatever an adult says

Tom's jaw dropped. "No! I don't want to be a babyyy I'm a man!" Sophie said "fine, if you don't have an accident for the next 2 hours, we'll stop this, deal?" Tom nodded. How hard was it to not wet your pants for an hour? Wayyy to easy Tom thought. "But in the meantime, you will be treated like a baby, but you get undies, ok?" Tom nodded again. Sophie took off his nappy and replaced it with paw patrol undies. She then placed him in a highchair and clipped the buckle. She fed him one spoon of mushed pumpkin, then another, and another. Tom felt like spitting the pumpkin back in the bowl, but decided against it. After he was finished, Sophie fed him a bottle of milk. She had mixed in laxatives, unknowingly to Tom. "Medicane time!" Sophie said cheerfully. Tom whined, he didn't want medicine. "Am I hearing a fussy baby??" Sophie asked, eyebrows raised. Tom shut up and drank the medicine. Sophie sent him to play with the blocks for a little while. Only half an hour was left until Tom could stop being a baby! He was playing with blocks when he felt his tummy rumbling. Tom ran to the bathroom, but Sophie was in there! "Sophieee please hurry!!!!" he yelled, holding his crotch. "Just a minute baby!" Tom groaned and tried to hold in his mess, but couldn't. A massive fart came out, and then a flood of diaherria. Sophie then opened the door and chuckled. "Didn't I tell you that you couldn't hold it in?" Tom groaned. "B-but y-you were i-in there!" Sophie tutted. "You still should've held it in! You told me you could. And now I have to clean up your mess!" Tom said "y-you were in there though!" Sophie ignored him and said "we had a deal! Diaper up." She said sternly. Sophie grabbed Tom by the waist and put a nice thick diaper on him. "We have to go to daycare, and you've made us late!" "Wait, daycare?" Tom asked, curious. "Yup, you see, babies go to daycare, and last time I checked, you're a baby." Sophie winked. "I am not a baby!" Tom said crossly. 

Sophie ignored him, and picked him up. She put tom in the carseat and drove to the daycare. 

"Tom, make sure you're nice to the other boys and girls, ok?" You'll have to have extra naps because you're not well, ok?" Sophie said. Tom nodded, and Sophie buckled him in the stroller and they walked to the daycare. Sophie had already let her coworkers know about Tom, and she put him in the "Little Tots" class. They were for kids who had no control over their bladder, had to be spoon fed baby food, and took multiple naps in the day. Tom looked at the room, and one of Sophie's coworkers, Dana, came over and smiled at Tom. 

"Hi Tom! Your momma told us we'd be seeing you today!" Dana took Tom's hand and led him to the circle where all the other kids were. They were lying on the mats and playing with blocks. Tom felt a load form in the back of his diaper, and felt warm pee surround his lower area. Dana wrinkled her nose. "Did someone do a poopy?" Tom blushed. Dana smiled and lifted Tom onto the change area. Tom started to throw a tantrum, so Dana picked Tom up and spanked him on the bum 10 times. Tom started crying, all the poo was spreading around. Dana put a green alien pacifier in his mouth, and tied it around so he couldn't speak. "Your mommy said if you were a naughty baby, you had to stay in the diaper for 2 hours." Dana put 2 thick ones around the already messy one in the likely event that Tom messed again. She sent Tom off to play with the blocks. Tom was really angry, so he grabbed the blocks and started throwing them around. Dana came over with Sophie, and they were both angry. "TOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sophie said angrily. She grabbed Tom and put him in a cot with a roof on top. Because you were really naughty, you have to stay here."

She walked off, and Tom sat in the cot and banged on the bars. After a while, he started to feel quite tired, and drifted off to sleep...

Hey guys, I'm sorry its been so long, had a lot of stuff going on. Hope ya'll are having a great day!! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

-mythepie x

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