The problems of the world

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People are happy
People are sad
People are angry
People are mad

People are laughing
People are crying
People are living
People are dieing

There are so many problems
I will tell you
Just some of the problems
The problems of the world

Lets go to the begining
People were running out of money
The rich wont give
The poor try to survive
Its mean to pretend
Pretend that your dieing
You might not care yet
But soon you'll see
You'll see how people are trying to work
How their trying to be happy
The people who will give
Because of the people who pretend
Just dont
But people are too self absorbed
In their own problems to see
That people like you and me
Were the same
We just have different luck

People are happy
People are sad
People are angrey
People are mad

People are laughing
People are crying
People are living
People are dieing

There are so many problems
I will tell you
Just some of the problems
The problems of the world

Lets go see  what we have done
What we have done to the world
We are killing
Just for fun

Imajine your a tree
You cant hear
You cant see
You cant talk
You probubly cant even think
You help the humans survive just by breathing
Then one day
They kill you

Imajine your a fly
Just because you are living
and because your anoying
And just because your trying to survive
Those anoying humans
To kill you

Imagine your a spider
You get rid of other bugs
 so they dont over populate
Just for the humans
Only for the humans
So they wont kill you
How do they repay you?
They kill you

You see my problem?
If you dont, then listen to me
When i say

The blacks try to live
What did they ever do
What did they do
to you?
You dont get it
they are human
Just like you and me
They were born like that
They cant control it!
Just let

People are happy
People are sad
People are angrey
People are mad

People are laughing
People are crying
People are living
People are dieing

There are so many problems
I will tell you
Just some of the problems
The problems of the world

For the people in the
LGBTQ family
They ARE normal
Imajine waking up one day
And relising that your not "normal"
Your actually the opisite gender!
Thats called trans
Or The next day you relise your niether gender
Thats called genderfluid
Or imajine waking up one day
And relising that you actually
like your own gender
Gay, or lesbian
Or you like both genders, all genders!, no genders
Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual

People are happy
People are sad
People are angrey
People are mad

People are laughing
People are crying
People are living
People are dieing

You just dont see
The world i see
were the same
You and me
Were living things
And thats what matters
It doesn't matter if were not "normal"
Thats what makes us, us
You may think "God wont exept them"
But just think
God MADE them
Think about this before you bully
Think about this before you pick on them
Think about this before you hurt them
Think about this before you talk
You may think "I dont have to change, thats just life"
But just think
You could be helping make the world
Worth living

I just thought i should explain
So the world can be good again
Just think about
The problems of the world

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