The party

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We arrived in a limousine and walked down a red carpet. There was paparazzi everywhere. I thanked the driver and walked into the building. I was huge and it said "trump" on it. I thought, how arrogant to just plaster your name on your building. I kept walking into the building and into the ballroom. I was wearing a long pastel pink and blue dress that went around all of my curves. I walked up to the buffet and grabbed some food. I heard cheering and clapping and turned around to see what all the fuss was about. I turned to see the orange himself, Donald Trump. All of the clapping for such a dick was awful. He went and talked to some old men, and I saw a tall, skinny Columbia's woman walk through the door. It was Melania. She was wearing a long white dress and big modern white earrings. And there was a boy behind her. Slightly taller, and bored looking. It must've been her son. She talked to him, and they went separate ways. Tom, my manager, was calling me over. He was talking to Donald Trump. Fuck, I thought to myself. I walked over and shook his hand. "Mr. trump, this is my client, Y/n." Tom said. "Ah, yes, I recognize you from your movie". Trump said. I laughed and said "which one?" And he said, "The one with you in your bra and panties". I chill went down my spine. I just awkwardly laughed it off, but I was really uncomfortable. In one movie, there was a scene where I was only wearing a bra and underwear. I was so creeped out I slowly walked away. I went and saw some chairs. I sat in one and fiddled with my pockets. I had brought a few joints, just in case I had some privacy outside. A man with a tray of champagne walked by me. I grabbed one and he didn't bat an eye. I chugged the whole thing and sat back in my chair. I started to get bored, and I started people watching. It's fun to see there rich, famous, powerful people just hanging out. Some people would pay a fortune to meet them once, but I get to see them casually hanging out. While watching people, I spotted the boy again. Melania's son barrel, or something. I noticed he looked really tall, and actually kinda cute. He said bye to the people he was talking to and cane to sit down. He sat a few seats away from me, and I thought, what the hell. Why not go try to talk to him. I got up and walked over to him and sat right next to him. "So, nice party, huh?" I asked "yeah, it's cool" he said. "I'm Y/N, I'm here with Thomas." I said. "Oh, are you in that Netflix show?" He said. "Yea! That's me!" I said and smiled. "So, you're the big guy's son, huh?" I asked. He sighed. "Yep. As you can see it's very exciting." He said and smiled at me. I laughed. "What was your first name again?" I asked. "Barron" he told me. "Ah, I had it on the tip of my tongue." He laughed. We watched the people dancing on the dance floor. "I wish I knew how to dance" I said. "You don't?" Barron asked. "No. I never bothered learning, and I never had anyone to teach me." I said. "Do you want someone to teach you?" He asked. I blushed and smiled. He stood up and softly picked up my hands. I got up and he placed his hand on my waist. "So, I put my hand on your waist, you put your hand on my shoulder." He said. I picked up my arm and held his shoulder. "And then we hold hands on the other arm" he said. We locked hands and I felt a jolt down my spine. My stomach felt like it had butterflies in it and my heart was soaring. "And then we just dance to the music." He said. We waddled over to the dance floor and started dancing to the classical music. The song was almost done. When it ended we smiled, and another song came on. I heard the beginning, and I immediately recognized it as Heather by Conan Gray. I put out my hand, smiled, and said, "my I have this dance?" Barron smiled and took my hand. We were looking in each others eyes the whole time, only looking away when he spun me. I ended up holding onto his neck with both of my hands, while he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding onto his other hand behind my back. The song started ending. Our faces got closet to each others, I started closing my eyes, I was ready to touch his lips with mine, when we hear clanging of silverwear  and glass. We turn, and it's his dad, Donald Trump. He opens his tiny ass mouth and starts saying he's gonna make a speech. Barton and I take our hands off each other and watch his father make a speech. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Trump started talking about Muslims, with a lot less of a filter than at his public speeches. It was absolutely fucking disgusting. I needed to get out of there. I leaned in to Barron and whispered "hey, you wanna get out of here?" He looked at me and his face lit up. He started nodding. I grabbed his hand and we escaped through the back door of the ballroom. We want down a hall until we couldn't see anybody. I grabbed his arm and said "where's the closest exit?" He looked around and pointed and started running. We rushed down and I couldn't help but giggle. In one hallway, we were planning on going down, but there was a security guard there. We spotted him, and Barron rushed away without him seeing him, but I wasn't so lucky. I was running past and he saw me. "Hey!" He yelled as he started chasing me. Barton looked back and sped up. We got to a dead end with two ways. One way had the door to outside right here, the other had the door down a few more hallways. I looked down the hall with the door right there, but Barron grabbed me and ran down the other corridor. He swung open a janitors closet and pulled me in. He put his finger on his lip, telling me to be quiet. We looked out the fuzzy window to the guard running the other way out the door. Barron looked at me, laughed, and grabbed my hand and ran the other way. We ran down through the Hal into the backyard. It was a beautiful green and white yard. It reminded me of the sound of music, with the gazebo shining in the moonlight. We were running through the grass, mr almost falling every step in my white heels. We laughed as we ran as bd finally got some shelter in the glass gazebo. We sat down and started laughing. "So, how did you get past the security guard?" I asked. "Well, I've had some practice" he said. We shared a laugh when I fiddled in my pocket. "So," I said. "You ever smoked before?" I said, pulling A joint out of my pocket. "Hah, no. They'd kill me if they found out." He said. "Well, they seem pretty busy right now" I said. He laughed and I passed him a joint. I pulled out my lighter and lit both of ours. Barron started coughing, so I laughed at him.  We sat smoking for a while when Barron started talking. "I wish I could run away" I looked at him, sympathetically. "Yeah, if I were in your situation, I would too" I said. "My dad is just such a cycling dumbass. He doesn't care about anybody except himself and his rich white friends. And I don't even have my mom, she constantly on drugs." He said, leaning back. I put my hand on his. "If we could run away right now, I would. I'd take you and melania and run off to live in Paris. We'd change our names and fake our deaths." I said. "Yeah, that would be cool. I'm not even allowed to have a phone, or have any interviews. I never even had a friend, or a romantic connection." He said. "Wait, can I ask you something?" I said. "Sure, what's up" "are you a virgin?" I asked. He laughed. "You are!" I yelled and pointed at him. "If my dad caught me with somebody, he'd disown me." He said. "Well, I have something that might make you feel better." I said. "What us it?" He asked. I leaned down to him and said, "I'm a virgin too" "No way!" He said. "Yup. Every guy who wanted to have sex with me wanted it it for the clout. So far nobody has liked me for me." I said. We looked up at the sky for a while. "This reminds me of the sound of music" I said. "What's that?" Barron asked me. "You don't know what the sound of music is?!" I asked. "No. I don't really have time to watch movies." He said. Well, there's this scene where, actually, you know what, I'll show you." I said. I stood up and picked up his hands and started singing "I am 16, going in 17" and he danced along with me. We danced the night away.

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