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Being the only daughter of Brian and Anita May is a hard life really, (no Queen song relation) I didn't mean it to be like my mom is this and Emily's mom is this, each of our families are really open to each one. Like what uncle Roger said: "Yeah, I fucked in the past but I'm almost 70 now!" Doesn't make sense? It basically means past is past and we are here now, I don't know why uncle Roger have to say it that way but that's him and I love him. It's a hard life mostly on dad and mom being famous, so school is being an arse for me mostly because I'm studying performing arts which is what my mother does back then, an actress. Didn't help that dad is super smart and beats everyone on scrabble during Christmas. If you're wondering on how I look I am basically the combination of both of my parents, dark brown hair but mine is straight (as much of dad's happiness), I am lean but curvy, I am tall like tall! wow! I am in the middle of mom and dad's height which is making me much more noticeable. I love attention but not all the time to it really is a challenge for me when I start my first film or public performance that doesn't involve grades or school. Well, it isn't too hard I'm just exaggerating, sorry.

"Dad! Alice and co. is here!" I heard giggles and a loud laugh from upstairs as my uncle teasingly punch my shoulder. Rufus which is the closest bunch of the bundles of my uncles, well actually other than Laura that is. Yes, Laura Deacon on whom I met online. Anyway Rufus is here. "Hello there love." Rufus hugs me by the back and ruffles my hair. "Hi to you too, I think you should not do that. We are going to dinner with the BoRhap cast and you're already being goofy!" I annoyingly got out of Ruf's grasp, luckily and got myself in front of the living room mirror to fix my hair. "Do it in a ponytail." Rufus points out before plopping in the white couch in his white suit. "And why should I Mr. Taylor?" He nods to himself then plucks his lips to me, I look down at my dress. "You should look innocent but you look like a wife with your hair down." I got the two white pins in the table and got them in the side of my face, close to my ears for my bangs to stay in place. Looking at Rufus, wanting to kill him after as he laughs at my reaction. I heard footsteps but none of us never stopped in the situation until my parents and his came back down. "What's going on here?" Sarina was first to break Ruf's laugh as well my my stare, I crossed my hands over my chest. "He told me I look like a wife." Rufus bit his lip and winked at me as I threw my heels to his stomach, sadly he caught it as the adults laugh. "I think that's enough... Y/N go inside your heels and well get going." Mom chuckles as I got over to Rufus, him sitting up immediately for me to seat. "It's not fair, why do we have to wear whites?" I point off as Rufus hands me my other heel, my parents are basically wearing denims and uncle with aunt Sarina are in browns but you guys get the point, they have other colors mixed in as well. "Its cute." Roger blankly replies shrugging his shoulders as dad nods along.

"I hate them too." Rufus pops up and goes to the door with me stomping to it as well. "You both sound like children!" My dad screams as we got out and I finished off with a slam of the door, I got in dad's car and as well as Rufus in uncle's for us to drive in. We phoned each other before our parents came out of the front door. *Hey bullocks!* Rufus starts from the other line as I grew more irritated but that's what he is, he is a Taylor for a fact. *Hey arse, I bet you can't even drive properly to the restaurant!* I heard a gasp as I look over to my window only to see Ruf looking back with a hand on his heart, acting hysterically shocked. *Fuck you, I bet you can't even walk in those heels!* Our parents got in our own cars as we began to rant again. *Fuck you too Ruf, I bet you sound like your name, a bloody dog!* I screamed to my phone as I heard my parents, mostly mom and sarina on the other line squeal in joy. You see they ship us. *A bloody dog?! Take that back!* Rufus throws his keys to my window as I roll my eyes at him, he got out and took them only to have an excuse on leaving a middle finger on the car's window. *You sound like your father in that phrase Rufus.* Dad points off as I began to lead in the street for Rufus to follow. *Am not Brian! I'll- Ugh- Screw you!* Uncle Roger's raspy voice sounds off from the other line as dad smiles to himself as he looks out the window, hands on my mom's hands. After a few minutes in arguing and threatening to just stop or turn back we finally arrived at the restaurant. Uncle Rog leads the way as we finally saw the BoRhap cast consisting of Rami, Lucy, Gwil, Joe and Ben, we immediately start off as we were reintroduced. The food arrived shortly as we began to talk and tease.

"I forgot to question Gwil." I point off as I wipe my lips with a napkin and he did as well, swallowing before he nods off to me. "Did you wear clogs when you shot the film? I didn't really see you wearing one in the film." I asked as mom, Joe, Ben and uncle began to laugh. "Was busy crying over when the Mary Freddie scene came up." Rufus flashed, covering the side of his mouth that sticks to me. I look over at him with a disapproving face and smiled back at all of them as they chuckle. "I think you shouldn't answer that Gwil, my daughter's a fan of you being a clone." Dad beside me says, patting my shoulders. "Can't blame the girl, I mean the scene is supposed to be that way." Rami laughs off looking at us then to his girl, Lucy. "Don't be all lovie dovie there Rami, Ms. May might cry." Rufus teases again as I flushed more, laughing long with them. "Hi Y/N... I'm Ben." I look to my side as some of them got to the bathroom either to watch hands or something as we did finish our dinner. "I know... You working your Taylor magic, I see." We shook hands as Ben got at the seat which my dad sat at, Rami, Lucy, Rufus and mom cheering Ben on. Is she even my mom at this point? I feel like a horse on a bet race and my mom is my owner betting me on. "I actually talked to Anita when Bri got to the loo. No Taylor moves here." He puts up his hands as the guys got back, sitting on their seats, moving a seat as dad was now in mom's seat, so on and so forth. "So you didn't talk to dad?" He looks to his side as Bri smiles, but much to the intent behind it. "It's good to be young again.." Uncle Roger plots out in his head, day dreaming in his seat as Joe nods with Gwil. "I got nothing in between you lads but when I say white, white is my bet." Brian, dad finished off crossing his arms in his chest, Gwil and my mom grew shocked. "What?" Ben asks as his hand chests on my chair and shoulders. "Means he wants you to be clean and clear as white till you marry me, under supervision for short love." I tease in as he grew flushed and look at dad by his side then to me in repeat. "Oh god, thank you Brian, you don't know how much it is a move up. Thank you so much, I will take care of her!" Ben promised as he and dad hugged as he shakes mom's glad hands. "You better Ben, don't be on acting like Roger to her." Dad ends and points his chin towards uncle Rog, in which he drew a middle finger on. "I feel jealous, betrayed, in denial, lied to, abused, molested and bullied Ben." Joes points off, face stoic. The face he always does in his jokes, the normal jokes he calls. "You have cardboard Ben!" Ben points out laughing as we are and Joes did too after a few minutes. Saying our goodbyes and my number as well as Ben's to each of us as we got in our own cars to go down the road and separate in a turn. "Now tell me you didn't regret this like you said during the morning." Dad points off at my back seat, rubbing on my shoulders. I nod and we chuckle. "I love you both." They smiled and said it back, two streets before we got back home which means I won't change too quickly as I will call Ben.

Another meme, almost to Brian's birthday

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