Extra: Nomination

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Hey Ho!

Wonder what I Mean by Nomination?

Well ... as I have written in the description of this story

-Wonder if any of you actually read the description and found it-

it's possible that the reader can influence the story.

A bit at least. But I thought that is already something as you could then say like: 

That particular thing is the way it is because I said so!

I thought that would be cool.

So that's why I'm making this Extra here.

It's a Nomination.

You can Nominate someone that will appear in the story in the future. 

(And you know, it will be more than a simple cameo, the character is actually important!)

You can nominate anyone as long as he is:


*an idol or actor

If no one's making a nomination, then I will have to decide on my own again. But I thought it would be more fun if you do it, as I have already decided on the main ship and the "not so secret" "not so rival-ish" rival.

Alrighty that was all I wanted to say.

Read you next chapter th- nope wait..

If anyone's really bored during covid-19 (maybe lockdown) right now, I wouldn't say no to a new, cool cover for this story. Feel free to let out all your creativity. 

Now really..

Have fun Nominating and read you next chapter.

Stay awesome!

Draven out <3

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