Where are you?

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Addison POV

She looks at me and smiles big.
"Of course, I'd love to be you're girlfriend!" Dixie says and I smile big and peck her lips. She depends the peck and it turns into a make out session. We pull apart for a moment for air.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" She says and I laugh.
"YES!"'I say and she laughs and kisses me again.

The kiss was gentle but filled with excitement. She licks my bottom lip and I moan softly and she slips her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues massage each other before Dixie and I start fighting for dominance and I gave in and she won. Her hand roams my hips before her hand grips my thigh and pulls my leg to lean over her.

Her hand runs up and down and my heart starts beating really fast. My hands grip her hair and I gently pull her hair back. Her hand goes up my skirt and I break the kiss.
"Are you okay?" She asks and I bite my bottom lip.
"Yeah it's just...ah..." I mumble out and Dixie gently caresses my face with her thumb.
"Baby what's the matter, you can tell me anything?" She says and I look away from her eyes.

"I'm not ready for you know..." Dixie chuckles softly.
"The sex part?" I shyly nod my head my face red with embarrassment.
"Baby look at me" Dixie says softly and I slowly look at her. She looks into my eyes and gives me the warmest softest smile ever.
"We don't have to do anything that you aren't ready for" I breath in and out relived that she doesn't just want me for sex.

"Thank you, I'm sorry I ruined the mood" Dixie smiles and kisses my lips.
"Never" I smile and peck her lips.
"Bryce kinda forced me to have sex the first time when I wasn't ready" I say and Dixie frowns.
"Bryce is an asshole who doesn't understand who he just lost and I won't force you into anything" she says and I snuggle closer to her.
"Thank you Dix" I say and kiss her cheek.

"we can make out though" I say and Dixie laughs.
"Then come here" I attack Dixie in a kiss and we both giggle nearly falling off the car.

* * *

"Okay guys your speech is due for next week, please pick an interesting topic and check your topic with me. You have until Friday to check in with me and if you don't I'll minus a mark from your speech" I say writing down some instructions on the board. I heard giggling from behind me and I turn around to see the boys giggling.
"Boys quiet" I say and then all try hard not to laugh.

I look at Dixie and she looked pissed. She looked at the boys and one of them whispered something and Dixie looked like she was going to beat them up.
"Shut the fuck up!" She shouted which made everyone turn to her.
"Dixie D'Amelio please don't use that language in my class" I say calmly and she didn't seem to hear me. The boys kept the same smug smirk on their faces.

I looked over at Anna who was trying to calm down Dixie.
"And what the fuck are you going to do about it?" One of the guys said and Dixie sat up quickly and tried it punch him. I rushed over to them and Anna grabbed Dixie's hoodie and pulled her back.
"What is going on here?!" I shout and all of them just look at me. The bell rings and everyone gets up.
"I don't want this behaviour in my classroom anymore otherwise all of you will go to the principal, do you hear me?!" Everyone nods their heads.

"Yes ma'am" the boys said and grabbed their backpacks.
"Ms. D'amelio please stay behind" I say and Dixie looks at me before nodding her head. Everyone files out my classroom and I close and lock the door. I turn around and see Dixie leaning against my desk with her arms crossed.
"Dixie what happened?" I say walking over to her. She clenches her jaw.

"The guys were saying some inappropriate stuff about you and saying how they wanted to tap your ass. I just didn't want them to get away with it" she says and I softened a bit.
"Baby" I say and stand between her legs and put my hands on her face.
"I appreciate it Dixie I really do but I don't want you to get in trouble" Dixie sighs and opens her arms and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Okay I just don't want them saying shit about my girl" I smile and shake my head. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back for a moment before pulling away.
"Now go to you're next class I'll write you a note" I say and Dixie smirks.
"You sure I can't stay for a little longer?" Dixie said her voice low. She pulls me closer to her and kisses my neck.

"Baby go to class" I say but tilt my head to the side for her. She licks up my neck and I moan softly. I wanted her but I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.
"Go to class" I say pulling away from her. She laughs before smiling at me.
"Yes ma'am" she said and I laugh and write her a note.

* * *

Dixie POV

Usually Anna waits for me after school but today she was no where to be seen. I immediately started worrying and texted her.

Dixie: Anna where are you???

I typed and I waited and waited and she didn't reply. Now I'm getting even more worried.

Dixie: Anna I'm being fucking serious where are you?!

I type and she still didn't reply after 10 minutes. I walk to my car and get in. I go to my tracking app and look for Anna's phone and I see that the location she is in is her house. What the hell?

I drive fast and park at Anna's house. Her parents aren't coming home until later. I get out of my car and lock it before rushing over to Anna's house. I ring the bell and waited but no one came. I grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door and walked in.
"Anna!" I shout but there was no reply. I rush up the stairs and open Anna's door. Their she was sitting on the bed and the look on her face said it all.

I knew she was doing drugs again.

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