The 3rd Session

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"Let's get the third session underway, shall we?" San clapped his hands together upon his clients' arrival. He was standing by the fireplace, his hand on the marbled mantelpiece and the other one gesturing to the seats. The two men who had arrived three minutes early admired his attire.

San was wearing a red shirt with the top button undone and a pair of straight black pants. He looked like he was dressed for an important occasion. "Are you off somewhere after this?" Wooyoung asked as he sat, the leather squeaking as he made himself comfortable.

The counsellor smiled and nodded. "You could say that. There's an important conference that I have to attend." He walked towards them, carrying himself like he was lighter than air. He seemed especially captivating today.

Yunho flicked his gaze to the man beside him, who was staring dreamily. He reached over and gave him a nudge, which was accompanied by a look that said 'snap out of it'. "I suppose you'd be wanting not to go overtime today," he cleared his throat. "So, as you said, let's get started."

San nodded and sat down carefully. He pulled out the same notepad and pen that he had been using for all the sessions. It made Yunho narrow his eyes, because he had no clue what was being written down in it. "Alright guys, how are you two today? Have you been getting along a bit better?"

Wooyoung shrugged and twiddled his thumbs. "I mean, I've stopped cleaning the toilet with Yunho's toothbrush and he has stopped doing the same, so..."

"And is it because you realised that revenge isn't worth it?"

"Nah, it's because it's disgusting."

"Oh," San smiled lopsidedly and let out a defeated sigh. "Then have you two stopped calling each other bad names?"

"Define 'bad'," Yunho crossed one leg over the other. He lay his arm along the leather arm of the sofa. "Because I've stopped calling him a wench recently, but I've replaced it with 'hobo'."

"But Yunho," San quirked his head to the side. "Wooyoung isn't a hobo."

The taller man smiled deviously. "Not yet. As soon as we divorce, he will be."

The counsellor sighed again and rubbed his face. "There is something seriously lacking in your relationship."

"Clearly," they said in unison and then glared at each other.

San wrote something down in his notepad and then looked back up at the destructive pair. He was struggling. There wasn't any love left for them to grasp and both just wanted to split as soon as possible. The fire crackled away in the background as the three looked at each other in observational silence. He needed to formulate another question that hopefully wouldn't lead to another fight. "Alright. Can you two describe how you view your relationship?"

They snorted and looked at each other with snarky expressions. "Yes," Wooyoung nodded. "It's a dying relationship, for one. In fact, there isn't much of a relationship left."

"We sleep in separate beds, we eat food separately, we spend most of our days apart from each other and when we speak, it's usually to insult the other person." Yunho's explanation was curt and honest. It was everything that made San cringe. He had handled couples in similar situations, but these two, for whatever reason, posed to be more difficult.

"Let's bring the mood up. We've been here five minutes and it already feels like a negative session." His smile made Wooyoung's legs feel weak again. He was just so gorgeous and desirable. "I have written down here to ask you two a strange question. I'd like to know about a time when you two could laugh at each other."

It was an odd question indeed, but the pair could see where he was coming from. "Well," Yunho scratched his chin. "There was that time that Woo fell down the stairs, and the time that Roger ripped a chunk of hair out of his head, or that moment when we went on holidays and he unknowingly ordered an extremely spicy dish-"

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