My Sister | My Brother [SoL]

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I have a younger sister.

She's pretty, cute and a bright piece of sunshine to everyone around her.

Except me, her older brother. 

Living under the same roof with her is like living with a drill instructor every single day of your life. If I'm doing anything that's outside of what she deems right, I'll be nagged on for hours on end. Seriously, I can't even sleep an extra five minutes without her bashing my head with a pillow telling me to get up.

My daily life with her starts when I wake up and go down for breakfast. Because our mom and dad are always at work, she takes care of most of the chores at home. I get the feeling she knows absolutely everything about me, from my habits to how I move and how I speak. The moment I get out of the shower she always manages to tell me that breakfast is ready without fail. It's almost creepy in a way.

The food she cooks is really good though, I can vouch for that. The lucky guy who gets to marry her is sure to have delicious food every single day of his married life. But saying that to her would be too embarrassing for me.

Whenever we eat breakfast she always tells me to do this and do that just because I go out later than she does. Sometimes I think: "Seriously?" but I never voice out my thoughts to her unless I want to get scolded. In the end I have no choice but to follow what she says, otherwise I'm getting an earful. It only gets more annoying with her high-pitched voice.

Every time she leaves the house, she'll say: "I'm going now, see you later. Remember to grab your lunch." without waiting for me to say goodbye. It's like she's always in a rush for something, but I can't tell what. After I'm done with the dishes, it's time to do what she told me. Normally it's things like checking the laundry she hung out and taking in whatever's already dry and making sure everything in the house is in order before I leave for my classes. 

Once I'm done with that, it's time for me to leave the house too. My sister usually finishes school earlier than I do, since my classes can last up until the evening. On the days that I come back earlier than her, the things she tells me to do when we're having breakfast increases. It's a constant cycle until I finish my degree and start working in society. Sometimes I wonder what'll happen to her when she's alone at home without me.

Going to my university, I meet up with my buddies from my friend circle along the way. They always tease me about the lunchbox I'm packing and ask what my sister prepared for me today. I tell them "I don't know, but I'm not sharing it with any of you." and they back off straight away. Seriously, they should get a girlfriend of their own if they want someone to cook homemade meals for them. 

When I think about it, I always wonder if anyone's ever approached my sister and confessed. Whenever I hear something about my sister from her school, it's usually words of praise about how she's 'such a sweetheart' or 'the pride of our school' especially from her teachers when I have to fill in for a guardian for one of those PTA conferences. To me, it sounds like she's the school madonna. But not once has she ever told me about how she's doing at school, I never bother to ask her either since she doesn't want to talk about it.

After my classes are finished, I head straight home unless I'm hanging out with my friends. Strangely enough, she never calls me whenever I'm hanging out to tell me to get back home early or anything like that knowing her personality. The moment I open the door, she's standing there to greet me before walking off to do something else. Depending on the time of day I get back, she'll say "Dinner's ready, tell me when you want to eat." 

Our dinners are silent for the most part, at most we talk about when mom and dad are coming home. We do the dishes together and then go to our own rooms to do our things. She'll stay in her room until night time, probably busy doing homework or studying her butt off for an upcoming exam. It makes me scratch my head about how she can be so different at school according to her peers when she's so stern and boring at home. I don't get it.

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