How to say "No" to your Parents/Family?

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Our last question is, how do we say "No" to our family especially our parents?

This is a little bit challenging right? I know that many young adults struggle with this topic. Now, we all agree that "Family" is the basic unit of our society. Our family's goal is for us to have a happy and successful life. Nevertheless, there are times when you also need to assert your opinions and plans for yourself. Family especially our parents should also consider the education their children want to take. Young adults like us should be able to express our own thoughts and dreams to our family/parents.

We should say "No" if we think that their plans for us will not fit the dreams, we have for ourselves.

Don't be afraid, reach for your dreams and don't hesitate. If you are able to explain your side and show them that you are determine to reach your goals then through time they will realize why you decided to say "No" to them. This is your journey, let your parents' guide you but always remember that your future belongs to you, and you are the one making it.

Saying "No" to anyone's request will not hurt us. When we say "No" we let out the air that is suffocating us and it actually feels good to be just free. It will sharpen our leadership at an early age, it will also help us in understanding that life does not always give "Yes" as an answer.

Be BOLD and carry on in expressing yourself and making decisions without regretting anything because that's part of growth. Fly high and show your true colors! Don't let other people hinder you and always remember, don't be afraid to say "No" for an answer!

- End

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is the last chapter of Learn to Say "No"! I hope that this helped you in a way and always remember to be confident and to never doubt yourself. This is your journey so don't be afraid to reach for your dreams because they are valid. Anyway, lovelots and stay safe~ 💓

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