Chapter 1

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"Erik" my mother calls from the kitchen "you're going to be late!"

"I'm coming" i say as i rush out of my room and down the stairs throwing my bag from one shoulder to the other. I reach over the counter top grabbing a toast heading out the door "love you" I hear my mother say as the door closes behind me. I hop into my truck turning the engine on it struggles to start at first but eventually works. revving the engine to heat it up faster, the fog on my windows slowly disappears. Rubbing my hands together to get the blood flowing. I arrive at school with five minutes to spear. I head to the food court, walking past the usual groups you see at a high school the nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, animes, and Gothics. there's more but they tend to mesh between a few different groups.

I spot Nicole and Irene sitting on the table with the rest of the group, I see Kaar laughing as a boy whispers into her ear. Marie sits with her jerk of a boyfriend, Jared. he's always cheating on her but she takes him back because- because she loves him and the love she has for him is real. I'm just not sure he has the same feelings or at least there not as strong.

I sit next to Nicole and across from Irene "Erik" Irene leans in closer "have you seen the new kid?"

"huhu" I shake my head

"his name is Harry" she smiles "he's super cute"

"I bet" my smile diminishes as the bell rings threw the halls, i head to my math class, i sit on the row closest to the teachers desk in the very back. I set my retro style bag on the empty desk next to me since no one sits there. The bell rings as i prop my feet up on the same desk.

"alright class lets get started" a hear some unenthusiastic groans erupt from the class " I know you guys are so excited to be back from winter break" she said sarcastically with a grin.

I slip my head phones under my jacket turning on fallout boy- centuries. a few minutes later i feel someone tapping my foot, making me jump a little pulling out my headphones I look up into deep emerald greens eyes, he's got a smirk reveling a set of dimples. His hair wasn't wavy but it wasn't curly, it had its own agenda of waves, that almost gave him a quiff look. "can Harry sit in his seat please"

"oh yeah, sorry" I say as I grab my bag setting it on the floor next to me.

"oh and I'll be taking those" the teacher points to my head phones. great another set gone, at least these arent my skull head phones. the ones I'm handing to the teacher are just walmart quality.

I get up unplugging them from my phone "can i at least get them after class?" i have to try.

"we'll see Erik" she says tossing them into her drawer.

I sit back down zoning in and out of the lesson, a little while later i hear "pst" i look over at Harry "sorry" he says in a low husky voice

"for what?" i know what he's going to say i just want to hear him say it.

"for taking your foot rest" ok not what I was expecting.

"its ok I'll just use you" he raises an eyebrow at me "not yet of course youre still new" I laugh at his reaction. we sit in silence as the teacher passes out a packet.

"ok class you can talk just keep it down"

"isnt Erik a boys name" Harry asks out of no where. I look at his puzzled.

"is your last name Potter?" I ask him in return

"no" he looks at me confused

"Ok then" i return to my work. it takes forever for the class to end but when it does i get my head phones back and leave that class.

After third hour I meet up with Nicole, Ann, Marie, and Jared theres a few others friends. we used to sit outside but since it snowed 12in we like staying inside. I sit next to Nicole as she scrolls threw tumbler. she's a supernatural, doctor who, sherlock, and AHS fan.

she's always showing me the weirdest stuff, she laughed for about two hours because a hampster dressed in a suite said thank you mr. president. the latest was a goat climbing a mountan at a 90 degree angle, and it said "he craves that mineral" tumblrs are crazy but funny bunch also very dirty.

As i sit and eat my chicken sandwhich I feel like someone is staring at me so i look around and load be hold there is Harry sitting a table away just staring at me. he doesnt even move or look away. i get uncomfertable from our staring contest so i move closer to Nicole and in front of Ann.

"Nicole!" i lean in and whisper to her

she leans in with me "what?"

"Harry Potter is staring at me" Nicole pops her head up looking around

"I don't see anyone" she whispers as I pop my head up to see where he went

"He disappeared"

"Then why are we still whispering?"

"I don't know" I answer as she goes back to her phone. Where did he go, he was just here. That's kind of creepy. I look over at Marie and Jared, she seems upset but I know she won't do anything at school. She will yell at him when they are home, he will say sorry, she will apologize for yelling and it will happen over an over again.
After school I meet up with my friends. We say out good byes. I head out to my 1965 red ford pick up truck. As i walk past the park and into the parking lot I see a group of kids from my school next to a bran new car that just so happens to be park to my dieing cat of a truck.  I just really hope they don't talk to me or make any comments about my truck.

"Hey cutie, nice ride" a blond boy says as he steps away from the door.

"thanks" I reply quickly as i hop into my truck, please don't pudder. i let out a sigh of relief when it starts up with no problems. I don't bother waiting for the engine to get warm. i glance in my side mirror seeing the blond boy wave good bye then turning back to his crowd of friends.

I head to my job at the liquor store. Its the only one in town, i don't work the counter i mostly do clean up and restock the shelves. I'm only 17 but my unlce owns the place so he pays me under the table. 

"Erik, can you take the trash out?" he asks a few minutes before closing

"yep" I go through all the trash cans. I get outside the light above the door showing the little snowflakes falling with grace form the heavens. lifting up the trash bins lid tossing the bags in, i hear a familiar vioce as the lid closes

"hey cutie" i look up finding the same blond from earlier today.

"you're not suppose to be back here" i state pulling my jacket in closer.

"not even when an employee is with me" i look around and see no one else its only him and me outside in the cold.

"I'm not with you" I fold my arms as i see my breaths of air.

"well I'm outside and you're outside and we're talking" he takes a few steps closer with a smile.

"Niall!" a car drives up next to us "get in its freezing out there" the guy in the driver seat looks at me, when a smirk appears on his face "your friend can come to if she wants" Niall looks at me offering.

"no I'm working, and I'm not his friend"

"aw come on" the guy in the car pleads tilting his head.

"she said no" Niall says as he opens the door getting in. I turn around heading for the door "oh wait, whats your name?" I look at him and answer with out thinking  "Erik" he smiles at me.

"well, I'll see you around Erik" he gets in the car driving away. I could help but smile to myself. I finished my sift at 11pm going straight home plopping in my bed


hey guys!!

i hope you like it please comment your ideas and vote. i'm more then happy taking some low blows of criticisms 

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