part 15

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Jungkook gave death glare to Lee Can and his eyes were red with anger Lee Can never saw Jungkook this much furious
In fact no one ever saw him being this much mad

" I was just trying to help her in making coffee of my choice " Lee Can lied straight on his face

Jungkook was already angry and now Lee Can even lied and Jungkook used to hate lies.
He can bare anything but is someone is lying to him
He will never forget that person ever.
         " Lee Can  is this meeting and this girls reputation and herself is a joke to you. You even dared to lie . Do your help means you rip someone's cloth offer them money to sell their body to you?? . " Jungkook said and he had also heard everything

Lee Can knew it that now there is no use of more lies Lee Can was about to say something when Jungkook spoke

    " I think our meeting ends here you don't have to come here and call me ever. No more business deals with an a***ole like you ."

Lee Can= " Jungkook she is merely a girl . And you are breaking all the previous nice time we had. The amazing deals we had. You are breaking all of the contact just for this cheap girl.

Jungkook=" Lee Can!!!!!!! Shut your f***ing mouth and get out of here before I get out of control and don't make me to destroy you. And you know I can do this.

Lee Can= " you are threatening me just for her. Who the hell Is she to you!!

Jungkook= " She is my wifeee... "

Lee Can and y/n both were shocked on what he said. Lee Can now knew that he really have pissed him off now if he further argue with him who knows what kind of circumstances he had to face.
Half of the office staff heard what Jungkook said. Soon after that Mr Lee Can went out of the office and head to his hotel where he was staying.
Jungkook apart y/n from him and grabbed his wrist firmly because he was still burning with anger.
He took her into his office and locked the door and put the curtain on the windows.
With out even thinking anything Jungkook threw Y/n on the chair  and he spoke with out even having any concern whether she is hurt or not

" I don't understand what is wrong with you can't you just watch your self why you always get into troubles. Do I have to save you every time. Why don't you just use this dumb head of yours and stay away from the problems . I am not going to save you all the time.
You said you won't give me any chance of complaining
And the day you came into this company you are causing problems day after day.
I don't understand didn't you saw lust in his eyes are you blind.
who told you to listen to him."

Y/n was crying mess but she didn't let any sound out of her mouth.
And Jungkook was  unable to see her situation because he was in anger and he doesn't  see anything when he is angry even his friends stay away from him when he is angry.

"Stop crying and go back to work. Already everything is ruined I don't want  anything else to be ruined. DID YOU GET THAT Y/N !!!!" Jungkook said while yelling at  her

Y/n went back to her desk by saying "I AM VERY SORRY SIR" while wiping her tears but tears wasn't  stopping

Jungkook saw her face all red and her eyes which were now a bit swollen. Jungkook was now  regretting a bit that it wasn't her fault afterall she was just doing what he told he to do
Jungkook sat back on his seat and was watching Y/n quietly.
He saw the coat he gave her fell of from the shoulder from where her dress was ripped.
And she was trying to keep it on place while doing her work and wiping her tears at the same time.

Jungkook just smiled a bit by watching her struggling with his jacket Jungkook got up from his seat and came to her.

Jungkook said " Get up "

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