Chapter One-Fire

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"Kakashi! You need a place to live!!" Minato begs as Kakashi sighs, "Yeah, but why do I have to stay with Obito?"

"Hey, Bakashi!! I heard that! And I know my house is small, but at least it's not in ashes!!" Obito yells

"Obito!" Minato chastises as Kakashi starts to stare off into space.

                           —Kakashi's POV—
     I sighed inaudibly as I look at where my house used to be and think of all the little memories I had there. How my dad used to gently shake me awake, how he made the best miso soup with eggplant, or how we would just start laughing for no reason. Ever since he died I didn't stay home very much anymore. It just felt...empty. I sigh again as we near Obito's house.

     "Yo! Bakashi! We're here!" Obito yells, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Yeah, Yeah," I roll my eyes. The truth is, I really don't mind Obito. If anything, I'd rather be his friend than enemy. But I have to keep up this STUPID facade. If I drop it now they'll either get suspicious or they'll start to worry. I don't want them to waste their time on me of all people. I'm useless as it is. Plus, shinobi must never show emotions. If I do that, I might as well just quit being a ninja altogether. 'Emotions are a burden and I would be better off without them' I mutter under my breath as I walk in.

"What did you say?" Obito asks, no malice in his voice, pure curiosity. And the clueless he's giving me is so adorab- NO!

    "Nothing.." I say

     He shrugs and walks into the kitchen, "I have another room down the hall and to the left. It's a bit messy but not all too bad"

     I nod slightly. And walk to the room. It has a lot of antiques on the shelves and the bed is nicely made with an old looking quilt and fluffy pillows. On the right to the bed is a shrine. It looks to be an old lady with short grey hair and a purple dress with a beige vest. His grandmother most likely. I get down on my knees and clap my hands together, paying my respects before I just sit on the bed. I didn't have anything to unpack so I just spaced out for a bit.

"Bakashi!! I made dinner!!" I hear Obito tell. I sigh and get up. I wasn't very hungry. I never was. Haven't eaten in weeks. I know it's not healthy, but the sight of food just makes me feel sick. I would get mental help but I don't wanna burden anybody. Guess that's kinda down the drain now, living with Obito.

I sit at the table. On the plate in front of me is onigiri and ramen. "I can't cook and I'm not used to having people over" Obito chuckles nervously, "Okay. Thanks" I shrug.

Obito just stands there with a slightly shocked look on his face before sitting down "Itadakimasu!" Obito says before digging in.

                          —3rd POV—
Kakashi just stares at his food nervously, "Why don't you eat? Do you not like it? Or do you just not wanna take off your mask?" Obito smirks. "I don't care about my mask.." Kakashi mumbles. "Wait- really?!" Obito yells, dumbfounded. "I mean, I don't really want people to see my face, but that's not the reason.."

"Then what is the reason..?" Obito asks, looking just a small bit concerned. "Um.."


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