Chapter Two-Slipping

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—Kakashi's POV—

"Um.." I look down at my lap, as I open my mouth, about to make a stupid excuse before I hear the doorbell ring. Obito looks away from me and goes to peek out the window. Minato-sensei to the rescue!! I never thought I'd be so happy to see the smiling dope.

     "Hey! I just wanted to see how you were getting along!" Minato-sensei grins, "We're doing fine. But Bakashi refuses to eat. If you don't like my food just say so!" He shouts at me. I sigh defeatedly and slip a small chunk of the onigiri underneath my mask. It tasted amazing, Obito was actually not a bad cook, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was about to throw up, "I'm going to the restroom," I mumble as I get up and walk to the restroom, locking the door. Once I knew I was safe I leaned over the toilet and threw everything up. I only had a small bite, so most of what I was puking was bile, and that just made me feel worse. Curling into a ball and sitting in the far corner of the bathroom, I could hear the bad thoughts start to take control of my brain.



'No good'




And the bad thoughts just kept going from there. I didn't even realize the tears as they started to swell out of my eyes and soak up my mask, "Bakashi!! Hurry up!" I hear Obito yell, but I block him out, the bad thoughts chanting hate and degrading words into my head.





I hugged my knees tighter while I started crying harder, and before I realized it I was sobbing. I didn't even notice the door open, I only knew I wasn't alone at the feeling of warm arms wrapping around me. I didn't care who it was at the moment, I could only register how comforting they felt.

I wrapped my arms around the person attached to the aforementioned pair of arms, opting to latch onto them rather than keep in my fetal position as I sobbed into their chest. They were definitely a male, assuming around maybe around my age........Obito? You know what? I didn't care. I just continued to sob.




"Idiot...worthless...tool.." I repeat aloud in a hushed voice.




"Killer...deadweight...talentless" I repeat, not daring to look up at Obito.

—Obito's POV—

I decided on opening the bathroom door. Something was definitely wrong, so I look down. Kakashi is on the ground, and he seems to be..........crying....? I see him leaning into the back corner, sobbing his heart into his knees. I don't even think at this point, my body just moved on it's own. I kneel down in front of Kakashi and wrap my arms around him in a comforting hug, not really knowing what else to do, and honestly expecting him to push me away, but he didn't, instead got out of fetal position and hugged me back, burying his face into my chest.

I just say there for a moment, shocked, not really knowing how to respond to this. Quickly regaining my composure, I start to slowly rub his back.

   For some reason, he started muttering something to himself. Due to being muffled by my chest, and the already low volume he was speaking at, I could barely make
out what he was saying, but I could, "Brat...worthless...tool..." "Killer...depressed...talentless..."

What is he on about?

Kakashi just starting sobbing harder so I instinctively pulled him closer to me. What could've pushed him to this point? Kakashi of all people? Sir emotion begone? What happened...?

I look down at him, and he's still buried nose deep into my shirt, arms still wrapped around me with seemingly no intent of letting go. He looks so helpless and broken..

   "O...bito.." I hear him whisper, my name being interrupted by a soft sob, he was thankfully calming down...slowly.  I will never admit how seeing my teammate like this, even though we don't get along all too well, makes me want to cry as well.

"Yes..?" I respond, softly, keeping my tone light as to not cause him to spiral anymore.

".....Th- th-ank y-ou.." he says hics out, finally looking up at me, allowing me to see his tired, bloodshot eyes, tear-soaked mask, and pale upper face. If I'm being honest, he looked like shit, but I would never admit that out loud to his face.

I slowly lift up one of my arms, patting him on the head, "You're welcome, Kakashi, it's okay," I respond, gently, using my other hand to wipe the tears from the little part of his face that was exposed, "Is it okay if I take off your mask?" I ask, softly, "It's soaked and uncomfortable-looking..."

Kakashi shakes his head, " I h-ave a f-few spa-re masks in my b-b-bag...could you get me o-ne?" He says, carefully taking his arms off of my torso.

"How about you come with me?" I suggest, "The masks are in your room, and while we're there, you can maybe change into more comfortable clothes and, well, either sleep or continue this conversation. Whatever you feel comfortable with. How does that sound?"

"Wh- what about the f-ood?"

"I've already cleaned it up and placed it if the fridge. Now it just depends on if you're hungry or not. If so, tell me. Okay?"


"Alright," I confirm, removing my hands from The silverette, and standing up, helping him up right afterwards and heading to his bedroom.

      He was a bit stumbly on the way to his room, legs occasionally giving out underneath him, and causing him to grab onto me to regain his balance. I never realized how tall I was compared to Kakashi until today.

Kakashi grabs a jumper and some sweatpants and I hand him a mask. "I'll give you your privacy, call me back in when you're done," I say, walking out and closing the door.

"You can come back in now!" He calls, granting me permission to walk inside, which I do. And I see the silverette sitting on the foot of the bed, looking towards the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask, climbing up next to him. All I get in response is him resting his head on my shoulder. He's probably rather tired..

I softly place my hand on the side of his face, deciding to ignore the horribly hidden flinch as he leans into my touch, kinda like a puppy, "You tired?" I ask, gaining a tired nod in response, so I take my hand away from the other's cheek and move over to the head of the bed, opening my arms as a signal for Kakashi to crawl over as well, and he does, sitting between my legs and leaning back against me.

      And just like that, we both start to drift off to sleep.

1,184 words. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh

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