Ch. XL

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After Dark

Song: When We (Remix) by Tank ft. Trey Songz & Ty Dolla $ign


With a swift knock on the door, Jaxon stands on the other side of his mother's house waiting patiently for her to answer. After realizing Jaxon hadn't seen her in several days, he thought it would be polite to stop by and check up on her.

"Oh, hey baby," Gemma answers with a smile on her face. "I was wondering when you'll ever stop by," She embraces him quickly. "Come in,"

Jaxon returns to hug before pulling away to step inside the cool temperature home, "Yeah, I saw that the truck was parked here, so I decided to stop by."

Jaxon shuts the door behind him before following Gemma into the kitchen where he took upon himself to sit at the table, "Where's Clay?"

"He and Chib had to go make a run somewhere," Gemma answers. "Are you thirsty?" She asked even though she reached for a water bottle handing it to him.

"Thanks," Jaxon places the bottle on the table. "I heard you had to get a certain female in check,"

Gemma smirks while sitting across from Jaxon, "She got disrespectful with me and you know I don't play that shit,"

Jaxon chuckles, "What is with you breaking chicks' noses?"

"It was a simple punch," Gemma answers innocently. "She'll be fine. Chibs checked her out and it was just a small nose bleed.

"Fucking small, mom," Jaxon through his head back laughing. "I saw her not too long ago at the gas station," He takes his phone out after hearing the familiar text ringtone.

Gemma stands to her feet walking over to the fridge, "Anyway, I'm making pot roast tonight. Are you joining us tonight?"

"I can't make it," Jaxon answers while replying to a text from Liam. "I already have plans,"

Gemma sighs deeply looking over her shoulder, "...with Chloe?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?" He questions without even making direct eye contact with his mother. "You should've said something earlier in the week,"

"Well as your mother, I shouldn't have to invite my son to dinner on many occasions," Gemma comments. "Why do I feel like you're keeping Chloe from coming here?"

Jaxon breathes deeply in annoyance, "...because I know you mom." He places his phone back into his jacket pocket. "I know you,"

Gemma stares at her son not wanting to believe his words but she couldn't deny them, "It's not that Jaxon but...I think you should at least bring her to one dinner,"

Before Jaxon could say a word, he could hear the vibration in his pocket, so he takes his phone out to see a phone call from Chloe.

"Yeah," He answers ignoring the curious stare from his mother.

"Just so we're clear, wherever I pick where we go on our date, no complaints," Chloe says, her tone playful over the phone. "No complaints."

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