I Don't Like You Anymore Prank Gone Wrong: Leonardo DiCaprio

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Veronica POV

Today was my little sister Nessa's birthday and my parents always had to throw extravagant party's to celebrate and everyone had to be there. Even my boyfriend Leonardo.

As I was sitting on my bed brushing my hair while listening to music and talking to my older sister Rachel,we ended up getting bored and Rachel looked at me as I started naming  pranks of the top of my head.

"Oooooo I should do the I don't like you anymore prank!." I whisper as I see Leonardo peek through the door. "Hey baby what are you and Rach talking abt?" Leonardo says taking the brush out of my hand to brush his hair.

"Oh nothing Leo is just uh gossip." I say taking my brush back. "Okay babe your lying" Leonardo says going in to kiss my cheek. "How did you know?" I said giggling. "You never call me Leo. You call me Leonardo." Leonardo said while tickling me.

It was true I never call him Leo I want to call him something no one else can which is baby and babe, but literally everyone and there mother calls him leo.

And besides he lets me call him that so it's whatever. I've been trying to call him leo more but he just looks at me like I'm crazy when I do.

"P-pleaseeeeee st-stop tic-tick-tickling me!" I say while laughing. "Why'd you call me Leo huh?" Leonardo said while trying to pin me down so I couldn't run out the room.

"I was trying something new" I say while catching my breath. "Uh huh okay babe." Leo said staring at me with those BEAUTIFUL eyes.

We stayed in this position until my step-mom or shall I say mom knocked on the door to get our attention. We had no idea that she heard everything we were saying and I mean EVERYTHING.

I can't lie yes me and Leo have slept together but hasn't almost every 17 year old kid slept with their boyfriend or girlfriend. "AHEM!" My mom says while pretend to cough.

"Oh uh Mrs.Green umm me and Veronica where uhhh playing around." Leonardo says while helping off the bed. "Leo I heard and saw everything so don't lie. Just don't let Mr.Green know. And I told you call me Sherrie. My mom said while walking out the door."Well that was really weird." I said while fixing the crinkles in my shirt.

*About an hour later*

"So babe whats up!" Leonardo said hugging me from behind. "Ughh what are doing leo?" I said pushing his hands off me. "Babe are you okay you've been avoiding me alllll day and now I can't even hug you? Its like you don't even like me anymore!" Leo sad yelling. "My god Leo whiny much?" I said while rolling my eyes.

"I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE IF YOUR ACTING LIKE A BITCH!!" Leo screamed in my face as tears started rolling down my face.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL MY DAUGHTER?!" my dad said  while get a knife from his napkin. "Uhh I uh babygirl" Leo said while trying to touch my face.

"Wow Leo it was a prank.. a fucking prank!" I said while running to my room while Rachel ran after me.    "Babe?" Leo said while knocking on my door.

"Go away Leo." I said while looking at the photos of us on my nightstand. Not once did I ever think that Leo would ever call me a bitch.

"Just let me come in." Leo said while sniffling. As I opened the door my dad was standing there and Leo didn't even notice. "Baby I'm so sorry I never thought I would call you a bitch.. your not your the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on." Leo said while hugging me.

"Oh Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio that's all I wanted to hear you say." I said while kissing him.

A/n~ srry I've been so inactive I've been busy but this is not the only story I'm going to finish I have one request to finish and then if you have anymore requests then I can gladly get that done.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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