15. True Love

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Author's note:

Apologies for the late update~ work was draining the living soul out of me T_T

WARNING!! : This chapter will contain SMUT (awfully written Smut though..)

Don't like? Don't read. Be kind or leave~ 

Just Kiddin' ❤ (Have Mercy!)

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Just Kiddin' ❤ (Have Mercy!)


Zhan POV:

(3 Years Later)

It's amazing how much has changed in the three years that have passed. 

''Wah~ you two are engaged now?'' Zhan alternated the surprised look between Zhuo Cheng and Zoey.

The two lovebirds in front of him briefly exchanged eye contact with each other like two giggling high school girls, before turning their heads back to him again. ''yes, he actually took me to the Victoria Peak Garden in Hong Kong, and asked me to marry him''

Zhan scrunched his nose and looked at Zoey as if he just heard the most disgusting thing ever. 

 ''and you actually said yes?''

''you-'' Zhuo raised his hand, as if he was about to hit him.

Zhan quickly put his hands up in a surrendering manner and moved away from his friend, telling him between the laughing; ''I'm just kidding!'' 

 ''but seriously, congrats guys. I'm really happy for the two of you'' 

''see, I told you so'' he moved a little closer to Zhuo again nudged him in the elbow. ''I always said that she liked you as well but you were always playing hard to get back in the days. why would you even do that in the first place? you're already hard to want'' I snorted and burst in laughter at my own joke.

This time he really did earn a slap on the arm. ''I really can't deal with you..'' Zhuo muttered.

Zoey silently chuckled along with them. ''I'll be right back boys, I have to help some customers'' she left the table and went behind the counter. 

Zoey was the owner of a café and was famous for her great coffee and the delicious desserts. If Zhan could come here every day and not get fat, he certainly would.

''Anyways, how's work going? You must have your hands full with being the CEO of UNIQ Style Magazine, huh?'' he gave his friend a pat on the back.

''Well it's thanks to you. I wouldn't have had the chance to lead such an amazing company if you hadn't give up the position and had offered to me'' Zhuo paused. ''so, thank you''

''no need to say thanks. You were better fit for this position than I was anyways. and I knew you wanted it more than I did''

A small silence fell between the two.

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