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It's been 2 weeks since I and Nick had sex and if you're thinking that I'm pregnant then happy to say that I'm not! And part of it, it's been also 2 weeks since Nick left me... I mean the village. He didn't mail, he didn't text nor call. Mom, Nin and Dad have trusted me to be alone in the house for the whole month! Mike and Mitch used to stop by every day just to make sure that I'm okay. I also told them what happened and they're both angry and at the same time sad. If you're thinking where the hell is Myka; well she also go back to New York. Maybe they've continued their relationship! I really wanted to forget about Nick! I mean I'm a girl and he's the boy. If he really is a true man then he must face me but worst if he forget about me.

I heard a doorbell and I ran downstairs, as I open the door I was shocked that in front of me Mom, Dad, Nin, Nick's parents and NICK! "Hey big sister! I miss you so much!" Nin shouted full of happiness. I just smiled and hug her including mom and dad. "Hey Nikki! I have a task for you and Nick" said dad. "huh?" I mumbled. "Do you remember our house near the lake? We used to go camping there when you and Nick were both kids" dad reminded. "Yes? Why?" I asked. Mom smiled including Nick's parents, I kind of wondered and curios about their actions; Nick on the other hand just remain silent. "You'll know why dear, but for now prepare the things that you need because tonight you'll go there" mom smiled. Without any questions I walked upstairs into my bedroom and grab some personal and important things, unfortunately that house of ours beside the lake has no signal and no internet connection! Now that he's back I'm planning of not talking to him anymore! Yes I love him but I don't want to be hurt again. As I'm in the middle of packing my things in my closet I heard a clearing throat behind me and I don't need to turn around because I know its mom. "Nikki?" she started. "Yep?" I replied. "We just wanted you to have fun there with Nick" she smiled. If only she knew what did Nick did to me. "Hey honey, Nick talked to us and he wanted to spend time with you" she smiled. "hmm" I just nodded as a sign of hearing her. After I finished packing my things, mom and I walked downstairs. "Bye dad!" I bid. They just respond with have a great week. Nick grabbed my things and put under the trunk it's a big black car that well which can handle a trip.
This will be a 2 hour drive luckily I brought my iPod! I don't want to talk to him duh! But the weird things was, he himself don't bother to talk to me. Inside the car was really awkward I mean it's very quiet! There's no music. I think Nick felt it too because he began a conversation. "Nikki, how are you?" "Good" I replied. "Um!" I cut him off "I wanted to sleep".


We arrived at their safe house, I wanted to wake Nikki up but I know she's tired. I just carry her bridal style to our room. Their safe house is just a simple but nice mansion. I remembered the time when Nikki and I used to stay here every summer. We both sleep in the same room, the house is still clean because Nikki's dad used to pay some people to take a look and clean the house. I lay her down to the bed. I heard a knock and saw an old woman, she looks familiar then I knew that she was the one who took care of me and Nikki when we go to the lake. "Nick, you've grown" the old woman greeted. "Nana! How are you?" I replied. We used to call her nana she's like our grandmother. "Well, still looking and cleaning here" she smiled. "Well at least you're still okay right?" I smiled back. "Yeah! Is that Nikki?" she asked. "Yeah! She's tired" I explained. "Well, you better take a rest and I'll cook some food for both of you" she said. "Is that okay? I mean" she cut me off. "Well of course after all I've been serving your family and Nikki's in my entire life and your families were so nice to me and to my family" she explained. "I just miss you Nana" I hugged her. "Me too" she smiled. She closed the door and walked towards the kitchen, I heard Nikki groaned. "Hey! I didn't wake you up because you sleep soundly" I said. "As if you didn't do that to me" she gives me a fake smile. I really need to explain! But I don't know how to begin.

"Nikki, Nick, dinner is serve" a call from Nana. "Is it Nana?" Nikki asked. "Yeah! She's already here when we arrived" I replied. "Coming Nana" we shouted. We went to the kitchen and saw Nana smiling at us. "You've grown now Nikki" Nana said. "Well, it's weirder if I'm still a kid" Nikki teased. She gave Nana a big hugged and smile. "Are you staying with us Nana right?" Nikki asked. "Well, only daytime but at night time..." she cut Nana off. "Well Nana it's up to you if you'll stay or not" she smiled. "You're still the same. You and Nick are really perfect for each other" she said. We both stare to one another. "Um! Nana we're just friends" I said. "Well, you'll stay here for a week I don't know if what will happen" she grinned. "HAHA! That's really funny Nana" Nikki interrupts. We all sat down including Nana; the dinner was great! We have time to talk to one another; and the problem between Nikki and I was forgotten that very moment. After we finish eating, we helped Nana cleaning the kitchen. "Well, I have to go now I'll be back tomorrow morning" Nana said. "Let me drive you to your house Nana" I stated. "No, I can walk" she smiled. "It's already night Nana" Nikki said. "Well, alright!" Nana agreed. "I'll just wait here!" Nikki smiled. I led Nana to the entrance door and I followed, Nikki was the only one left in the safe house.

As we go along I noticed Nana is staring at me "What is it Nana?" I asked. "Well, I'm just happy that I saw you and Nikki again" she muttered. "You really miss us, right?" I smirked. "Well of course, half of my life was taking good care of you two" she said. "Thanks for the care Nana" I smiled. "Do you love Nikki?" I suddenly hit the foot break after she asked it. "Sorry about that" she said. "Why did you ask Nana?" I muttered. "Well, I just want to know" she smiled. I started the car engine again. "Well, yeah! I love her as a friend" I muttered. "Is that all?" she asked curiously. "Yes" I stated. After Nana could respond, we arrived at her house. A single storey house that has beautiful garden at the left side with a nice façade and white gate; Nana will really do anything just to have a nice life. "Thanks to your parents, I manage to design my little house" she smiled. "It's nothing Nana" I smiled back. "You better keep going now, it's dark and Nikki is just alone in the safe house" she stated. "Yeah! See you tomorrow Nana" I bid.

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