Diverging From The Past

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The sudden appearance of Nero Tol Scaeva had spun the mission of opening the Crystal Tower out of control, only bringing with it more questions than answers. He began to explain himself and his plan with the aforementioned white auracite, and Cid was already tired of listening to the guy who tried to kill him a year prior to where they were now. However, he couldn't doubt that Nero had promise where it mattered, so as much as it pained him to do so, Cid kept his mouth shut and let Nero elaborate on his previous proposition.

"As you may know, the properties of white auracite allow one to trap the very Aether from a concentrated point into its shell. This point of origin could be from one's soul such as a living person, or from a specific area outside of its own bounds. If you lot haven't caught on yet, I plan to use a surplus of white auracite to capture the Aether extracted by the AEC and get you all into the tower..."

Nero spoke as he raised a finger to show he wasn't finished yet. Cid took some time to think about what he said, picking apart his offer piece by piece and finding a hole in his plan. Garlond Ironworks had orders to enter the Crystal Tower and find out what's inside, nothing more and nothing less. But something didn't seem quite right about Nero's "ultimatum". He wasn't a member of Garlond Ironworks, and sure as hell wasn't contracted by some outside source to assist in the excavation. So why did he seem so keen all of a sudden to open the Towers gates? Luckily for him, Cid would get his answer soon enough.

"...On one condition. When we enter that tower, any and all pieces of Allagan technology that you and your excavator cronies find will belong to me when you exit. There are things in there that eons old, some even older! Giving up a chance like this to outmatch Garlond would be on the cusp of madness, wouldn't you agree?"

Nero shot Cid a grin that he knew all too well, responding with a cross of his arms and a verbal grimace. For as much as he's done to torment him and his own, Cid couldn't bring himself to fully hate Nero. He wondered if it was the fact that they grew up in a Garlean academy together, or if it was because him and Nero shared the same interest in technology and the workings of what could very well be the future of Eorzea. Cid didn't know what it was himself, and personally, couldn't care less as to what the answer was. He groaned and kept his gaze on his old rival, raising a brow with doubt plastering itself on his features.

"And how exactly do you plan on finding this white auracite? It's not exactly an Eorzean commodity, Nero. I thought you knew better."

That's when G'raha Tia spoke up.

"Why ask him when you can ask me?"

The Miqo'te flashed a smile at the Garlean, pushing some hair out of his face to reveal his left sanguine eye. The same exact colored eye Admes had.

"My father once told me that the last traces of Allagan blood flows through this eye, and if that tower holds answers to what exactly could be behind it, then I'll find them. We all have our reasons for going inside, and I'll make sure we all get what we're looking for."

"G'raha, you don't have to take up arms at every mention of a potential answer you know."

"I know. But I wouldn't be G'raha Tia if I didn't, now would I Cid?"

Cid chuckled and shook his head before looking back at the tower glistening above them, his gaze being joined by everyone else around him.

"I guess you're right. We don't know what's in there, but whatever it is, It's got a big storm coming."

12th Sun
Second Astral Moon
5:45 PM

It didn't take long for Eniro to surmise exactly what his life had become in the span of 2 hours. Just like that, he was given an opportunity to show all of Ishgard that he wasn't as horrible as he was made out to be. That behind the senseless killings and the cold demeanor of N was a man who simply wanted to be a person again. Not someone following the laws of a corrupt code or doing things out of necessity that could well get him in the nearest gaol. As much as he disliked being spoken for by someone he met just 2 hours ago, Eniro thought it best to keep his mouth shut for the now. It was the safest way he could go about gaining the trust of the formerly praised Scions Of The Seventh Dawn, while also maintaining his N moniker without drawing too much attention outside of the people who already knew who he was. Which, thankfully enough, wasn't many.

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