Sleeping Under A Roof

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After, we left the Dollar General  the first place we drove towards was the highway.

"We live about 20 minutes away," Iris announced. I looked out the window, watching the other cars drive by.

"We've finally made it out!" I thought to myself, as I listened to the radio play, Thru Your Phone by Cardi B, the clean version as I thought Is this real?

Am I dreaming? There's no way that Luka, Sophie, and I aren't homeless and found somewhere to live. I must be dreaming. This cannot be real.

I've wished for this very moment, for the chance to get out of our old situation and into a new one, a better situation. Meanwhile; what if they kick us out? Where am I going to go after that?

We're on our way to a different town, a town where I know almost no one. What if this family hates us? My mind raced with thousands of questions until we finally arrived at a house.

I unbuckled Sophie, taking her out the car. Luka unbuckled and stepped out of the car by himself. Luka grabbed the grocery bags.

In front of me sat an average house, painted white with dark blue window shutters and a dark grey roof.

The man with short black hair, hazel eyes, and a blue nurse outfit, held the door open for us, welcoming us into his home.

"Thank you," Luka said, walking through the grey door.

"You're welcome," the man responded. I held Sophie's hand tighter. We walked towards the door.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he replied. We walked into a beautiful living room. I looked around to the right was a TV stand with a pretty large television. Facing the TV is a dark blue couch with a glass coffee table.

To the left is stairs and against a hall towards the kitchen is a covered in shoes. I noticed some girl shoes and a few boy shoes. Hanging all on the wall is a coat hanger filled with soft colorful coats.

"I hope you like it," Iris stated, pulling me from my own little world.

"Yeah, it's umm a beautiful home," I justified.

"Well, I'm glad you like it," Iris explained. "Are you guys hungry?"

"I am," Sophie announced.

"Me too," Luka answered.

"Yes, ma'am," I responded.

"What about Pigs in a Blanket for dinner?" the man wondered. What is his name?!

"Wow, I haven't had those in forever," I admitted.

"Is that a yes?" he questioned.

"That's fine with me," I explained. He nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Honey, make Mac and Cheese, please!" Iris yelled after him. Are they married? "If you guys don't like that, we can make something else."

"No, that's okay."

"Are you sure, dear? I don't want you to feel the need to eat something you don't want to," Iris mentioned.

"I'll eat anything at this point," I joked. We chuckled as I took my white flip flops off where all the other shoes are.

"Make yourselves at home. If any of you want a shower or bath let me know, Carter or I will show you where it's at," Iris informed.

"Okay, can you show me where it's at, I feel disgusting in these dirty clothes," I asked.

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