Intro: Just a typical Bikini Bottom Day

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☀︎︎ July 7th 2018:

It was an ordinary day in New York, where the cast where still in rehearsal for tonight show, everyone where so happy doing it 8 times a week, Ethan Slater (Spongebob) was doing this streching exercise, then Danny Skinner (Patrick) came along to say hello to him as they start to prepare for the show, they started to have fun and doing crazy Instragram stories while laughing so much, their friendship is everything, while with the others, Lilli Cooper (Sandy) was getting ready for her last shows, now that she will be in a new one called Tootsie, she was wearing make up and looking at all the pics she lived with his friends and the ensemble, she will miss everyone, Tina Landau and the crew were starting to organize all the props, lighting, score and positions to start, everyone were doing their makeup, putting the costumes and walking on the way to the stage entrance to start, the audience were sitting down waiting for the show to start, some were chatting, others were in their phone checking social media, texting, and others were trying to find their place to see a angle of the show, a few minutes later, the show started, the narrator started and everyone were quiet while watching.

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It was intermission, the curtain faded to black and the audience were going out for a small walking or break, as also the cast started to take their small breaks in their small lounge under the stage where the dressing rooms are, the cast where having a great time watching movies, some where sleeping, chilling, checking their Instagram or Twitter accs, while the small break minutes passed, everyone were getting dressed for Act 2, the cast where coming on stage to get ready, while the show goes on to the end, everyone started clapping, having a great time doing the finale, singing, staring and smiling, confetti falls on the audience, it was a great party inside a theatre, as the curtain call starts and everyone were saying thanks for the people who come see them, as they greet everyone saying goodbye while the stage fades the stage to black, and the shows ends.

♡∗ˈ‧₊°' ~ ♡∗ˈ‧₊°'

After the show, the cast were preparing their stuff of their dressing room to go their way back home, while preparing, some of the cast were leaving through the stage door, where some of their fans were outside cheering, they were excited to meet everyone as they get their Playbills signed, all the crowd was crazy and happy, some where sharing small conversations, others were taking pics with them, other people were giving gifts for them to show love and support, it was a cute and beautiful moment, and when they finished greeting the fans, they take the other side of the barriers so they can walk away to their way back home for some food and taking a rest for the next day.

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