Chapter 1

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How fast can your life get turned upside down? I sat on my bathroom floor last night, trying to put myself together after I found my boyfriend cheating on me. Few minutes after I received a phone call from my boss, that I got an offer to fly to Italy to represent our magazine at local conference.
In few minutes we will land on the Naples Airport and I start to feel like that everything could turn back to right path.

"Did you call the taxi yet?" Anita asks. 

She was my best friend. She came with me to support me.

"We don't need a taxi. My boss got us a driver. He should be somewhere here with my name" I say and look around.

"What a luxury" Anita smiles.

"Something like that" I laughed and see our driver with my name.

"I see him" I said and walk towards him.

We were on our way to Positano. It was about an hour from the Naples Airport. When we drove out of the city, the view on the ocean from the car was breathtaking. The yachts were nearly everywhere and the streets were full of tourists and it was just something around nine o'clock in the morning. Our hotel was on the hill, so we had a whole view for Positano.

"Okay, this room is a bomb" Anita said.

"It is" I smile and start to unpack.

Our room was in beige colour with huge bed and bathroom. We also had our own balcony with table and two chairs with a view of the city and ocean.

"Can I move here?"

"Trust me, that I thought to do that as well" I smile, "maybe if the meeting will go well, they could offer me a job here and to write articles for them instead of Prague" I shrug.

"And you would want to work rather here? You would have to use English or Italian, no?" Anita asked.

"I think that after all what happened back at home, I would take the job here right away and I do not have a problem with english" I nod.

"I wish you the best of luck. Richard was an idiot. Don't waste your time thinking about him anymore. We have a whole day tomorrow, so before your meeting we will have loads of fun" she smiles.

"Thanks for coming here with me" I smiled and sit down on bed.

"You think I would reject the offer to come to Italy with my best friend?" she smiled and starts to unpack as well.

We decided to go to a bar close to our hotel under the hill in the evening. It wasn't a typical bar. They had a nice seating prepared outside on garden with lights and couches and it looked more like a small restaurant.
We sat at the end of garden with a view for evening Positano with Anita and ordered a drink.

"So if they offer you a job here after your presentation of the magazine and your article, you think you would take it?" Anita asked.

I shrugged. 

"Probably yes. It would be an experience and I could also have a fresh start with something new. I will see how it goes" I smiled.

"Trust me, it will be a success" she smiled.

"What would I do without you" I said and we take a sip of our drink.

In that moment my phone started to ring.

"Who's that?" Anita asked.

"Richard.." I take a breath.

"Leave it. He will ruin your night" she said.

"I want to know what he wants" I say.


"I will be right back" I say and walk more far away from the bar to garden. I came to a wall with a view for the city and take the call.


"Stella, hi. Do you have a moment? I left some stuff at your place" he said.

"I'm not at home now" I said.

"Where are you then?"

"It's none of your business anymore. I will be back in three days" I said.

"Oh okay. I hope you are not mad anymore. You know that the last few months were not really good".

I started to feel my eyes getting filled with tears. Again.

"I don't want to talk about it with you anymore. You made your decision"

"Come on Stella don't be like that. You know that you were mad about not having enough time for each other".

"But Richard.." at that moment I heard someone's scream. I noticed a group of about five men a few meters under the hill from me. They were standing above a man and were aggressively beating him up.

I can't see their faces, because it's dark already, but I heard a shot. I started to sweat.

"Stella hello?" Richard said to the phone.

"I you back" I said, unable to say more than few words and end the call.

Did they just killed someone there?

I take a breath and go quickly back to our table and sit next to Anita.

"Did something happen? You look quite pale" she said.

"I think I just saw someone getting shot" I say quietly.

"What? What are you talking about" she frowned.

"I talked to Richard and suddenly I heard some sounds and someone screamed and then I saw a group of men under the hill how they were fighting with some man" I said.

"Maybe it was a police? Are you sure?" she asked.

"I don't know. I just know what I saw. It was dark out there, I didn't really see their faces, but I think that they were all dressed up in black. Then I heard a shot, but I don't know if it came from them".

Anita took a breath and in that moment I noticed group of men passing by the bar on the garden. Anita turned back at them as well when she noticed my face.

"I feel like that's them.." I whispered.

They all were dressed up in black suits. It wasn't a police for sure. I wasn't sure if it was them, but one of them looked my way. I felt his eyes on me and I looked back at him. It felt like we stared at each other for a while but then he disappeared with others around the corner.
I rubbed my eyes and shaked my head.

"Whatever it was, we should not get involved in that" Anita said and looked back at me.

"That will be the best. I just hope that I just didn't see clearly" I nodded and took a sip.

"What did Richard want?" she asked.

"Just that he wanted to stop by at my apartment to pick up some stuff, that's it" I said.

"No beginning for forgiveness?" she smiled.

"Not a chance, but I still didn't really got over it" I sighed.

"But you will get over it. We will have lot of fun tomorrow and then you will have your meeting and everything will be fine, okay?" she said.

"Okay, thank you really.."I smiled a bit and took another sip.

We were leaving the bar around midnight and I tried to call our driver but he did not pick up my calls.

"Stella Mayer?" someone said behind my back.

I turned around and saw a man in suit.

"Yes and you are?" I asked.

"I'm your new driver. Yours had to drive suddenly away, so I was asked to take his place" he smiled.

"Oh okay" we smiled and got into car.

Our hotel was just few minutes away and the ride was quiet. Anita fell asleep on my shoulder. When we got back to our hotel room, we took a shower and got right into bed.

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