August 31st 2010 hope you all know that day
Jnessa pov
After we all got ready we got in the car and went to pick up Mel and the girls wanted to come along so why not. we drove to the house and got out the car . here goes nun.
"Uncle auggie!!!"
Kay Kay"Uncle trey"
Mya ran over to him"Auntie"
Chay ran over to me"Hey girls u read to go bowling "
"Put your shoes on "
"Who yellin at me but don't even live up in hea' no mo"
"Me negro getcho ass down stairs already "
I yelled at him"Ok "
He had his hands behind his back.
He got down to the girls level
"Kay Kay this is for u open it"
She opened it it was a necklace said Mel's angel number 3
Mya opened here it said Mel's angel number 2
Chay opened here it said Mel's angel # 1
"Thank you daddy "
"Now listen daddy loves you with all his heart forever and ever , I'll never stop loving caring or watching you I love yall"
He said shedding a few tears"We love u too daddy"
They did a big group hug
"Yall ready to go "
They nodded as we loaded up in the car man we got a big day ahead of us

My Step-brother
ФанфикAugust's and Melvin mom is divorced , Jnessa's dad was never married. August's dad was barely in the picture, Jnessa's mom was a junkie. They come together to make one big happy family but will that all stop when August and Jnessa's catch feeling f...