🌹Chapter 2🌹

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Christine's POV

Leaving school behind at the middle of the first semester when you are a junior wasn't hard. Leaving my closest friends in school though is a different story.

I still can't forget how Micah's eyes practically bulged out when I popped the news to her. She knew of my family dilemma. How my parents weren't in good terms but still decided to stay married with each other.

What motivated her to move back? I don't know.

Maybe they talked and settled things?

Whatever the reason is, I'm not against her idea.

So I didn't regret leaving my friends behind, leaving the swim team, and leaving my school because there's a part of me that still remembered how happy we were during movie night Fridays or BBQ Sundays. I still clung on the memories of how my mom smiled fondly at my dad who had his arms wrapped her while me and my sisters would wrinkle our noses every time they kissed.

Who wouldn't want that kind of family?

When my mom pulled up at the driveway and turning the engine off, my eyes immediately was drawn to the house in front of me.

This house contained our happiest moments together.

And the worst.

I got out of the vehicle and realized how chilly it was.

I shouldn't have worn shorts.

I could feel goosebumps appearing on my legs and arms but the cilly air did not waver my excitement even a bit as the front door almost flew at its hinges and my sisters came running at full speed towards me.

Did I not mention full speed?

When they were close, they did not stop running. I was tackled to the ground with two pairs of arms wrapped tightly around me.

That's how my dad saw us.

On the grass.

A mess of limbs and bodies.

"You're here! Oh my gosh, you are here!" Kira shrieked near her ear.

"I'm so glad someone would finally replace me in doing the dishes. Kira does not help in doing chores at all." Harvey's voice sound mumbled.

Kira was the youngest out of the three and the artistic one. She had a knack of drawing anime characters and of course, watching anime. As of currently, she was obsessed in Hunter x Hunter or something.

Or was it Cells at Work?

I do not really know. It's hard to keep up what she binge watches.

Harvey was the oldest. She loves games. Call of Duty, Fortnite, Rules of Survival, I can go on and on. She would always brag about her kills when we Facetime. She's only a year older than me but can be more immature than Kira sometimes.

But I love her.

And there's me. The middle child.

"I can't breathe." I choked out. My lungs were deprived of air for so long. I would love to continue hugging them but breathing would also be nice, too.

Harvey was the first one to let go. Kira was next to follow. We all stood up and dusted the dirt and grass that got stuck in our clothing.

I hope this time it is different.

Seeing the rest of my family again sparked hope inside my heart that we'll finally be okay.


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