Newborn Part 1

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I was born to be a vampire I had my future written for me, I had my beautiful young daughter Renesmee and my love struck husband Edward and Jacob my best friend the wolf. I never really thought about blood, not until the day I was re-born as a vampire I can remember the blood froffing in my throat pressing up to my mouth trembling in thirst of my saviour, the thing you want most and you would die for it, Blood. I remember the pain I was in with renesmee she was growing to quikly the story started when I was getting my married to my near enough beloved husband Edward, walking down the isle dressed all in white, big high heels on what I couldn't even walk in, Alice made me wear them for 3 days before the wedding to break them in that wasent enough though they was so big your fingers would even be the length of the heel. "I do" Edward says as his eyes gleam into my eyes "I do" I say as my doubts suddenly go away somehow. We entered the beigey, creamy, table listening to the speeches what people are saying, Jessica saying snarky remarks like she always does because she's jealous that I have Edward. I said my goodbyes to my lovely mother and my caring dad charlie, we got into the car we slowly drove off while everybody was saying their goodbyes waving their hands back and forth "Are you ready" says Edward excitedly as he focuses on driving " Yes I am now" I say as I think about love and happiness. We get on the plane waiting to get to get to the destination. As we arrived we got into the taxi which was a black sleeck car we cuddled together closely, arms around each other "Please pull over" Edward says with a straight face in Portuguese, we jumped put of the taxi excitedly as we reached Rio, we saw people dancing and singing their heart out, we kissed in the spotlight as everybody circled us dancing, we took our soft lips away from each other and cuddled in tightly together in embarsement. We walked along the sea but all of a sudden we stopped and Edward lifted me in the speedboat and gave me a cheeky kiss, he sat down and put the engine on "So were not staying in Rio then" I said anxious to know where we was going "No obviously not" Edward said gigiling, as we set of I saw a little island with a little apartment sitting on the sand. This is where we were staying because Edward lifted me out of the boat in a romantic mood, as we was inside my heart was racing and my jaw dropped in atonishment. "This is a wedding gift from carlsile " Edward says with a smurk on his face " Oh how nice of him?" Says Bella in suprise, "Go look around" says Edward as she carried me to the bedroom "Are you tired" says Edward in a generous way, "No,not at all" I said after a moment of silence, "Do you want to go for a swim?" Edward says as he puts his arms around her "Yeah I would like that" I say intersted. I brush my teeth and have a little pamper and then look in my suitcase routing for a bikini, Alice only put love clothes in, "Don't be a coward" I say to myself smurking. I walk out and drop the towel on the floor and stare at the breaking moon as I slowly walk in the sea nude . "You look beutiful " says Edward like a gentlemen, I smurk in embarsement "Do you trust me?" says Edward polietly "Yeah" I say confused, we kiss' a kiss urns into a snog , suddenly before I know it I was in bed bang the bed snaped "Its okay, its okay" I reassured him, when I woke up I saw fluff all over me and then I had a flashback of last night.

Edward come to me as I closed my eyes touching my like remembering precious memories, " Look at these bruces there's loads" Edward says sadly looking at her, I was remembering good memories I had, playing chess and romantic scences, until a few days later I cooked so chicken when I woke up as I saw the letter what Edward left on the side for me telling me that he would be back when I woke, well your late I thought to myself. As I eat the chicken I started to feel sick I opened the chicken and there was all blood, circling the chicken bone, I ran to the toilet and sick was spewing up out of my mouth. "Bella" Edward says anxiously " Don't come in here I don't want you to see me like this!" I said nervously, "Pass me my wash bag please" I said sickly, As he passed it to me I glanced at the pantoliners, " How many says has it been since the wedding?" I say in horror, "Fourteen why?" Edward says confused, I looked in the mirror and stared and my belly and gave it a little rub "Edward, I swear something has just moved inside me!" I say in a housed voice, "This is impossible?" I say confused, The phone rang it was Carlisle as Alice saw a vision, the phone ended. "We need to go home quick to get that thing out of you!" Edward stayed agressivly, I couldn't believe Edward didn't want this baby I mean I wanted the baby it was me and Edwards and nothing could change that! The house keeper came in and said " I know what you are your a demon what have you done to her?"she says "What can I do I love herb to bits" She nods at me and I nods back she has a cvison "Morch" she runs aways she means death. " I won't let her hurt you" says Edward reasueinf me. I went home and did all the phone calls I needed to make, Jacob tried to talk me out of it I said no and disagreed with him.Jacob had to cool the other wolves to get me blood to keep my pulse average, as I was telling Jacob and Edward a baby name for a girl renesmee and Edward for a boy I fainted in horror as the baby kicked I fell on the ground with my knees to weak to stand up Edward caught me, Renesmee was out now Edward had to try to save me, He did everything he could CPR, vampire bites, as I was dead a flicker of Edward saying " you have decided to leave me" popped in my mind as he said it harshly. The next day everybody out of the house put me new clothes on and brushed my hair and washed me down. Blood and white went through my veins, my bell pushed up and my loved memories formed into a little ball which was my long term memory my mother and my dad Charlie holding me when I was a baby, the loved ' me and Edwards first kiss too. All of a sudden everybody new what was gonna happen, I opened, my eyes red formed now I was a Newborn!

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