"I'll Make You Need Me More Than Air~"

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Pornstar AU

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Pornstar AU

Note: Fallyn is a lesbian. L E S B I A N. WLW? SHE LIKES TO SCISSOR

Amateur 1:

You were Fallyn's friend. She was struggling for money to get her through life; she got a scholarship for college, not life. You never knew her night job, until, whilst you two were hanging out, she told you. It was later in the evening, you both only had one beer; she wasn't even buzzed. She just simply said, "So...I have to tell you something." You raised a brow at her.

"What is it?"

She sighed, "So, basically, I'm a sort of Pornstar. Amateur, of course, but still." Your eyes widened as you think of what to say. "Listen, I-"

"Can...Can I See?" She looked rather surprised at your answer, before smirking and nodding. After a few moments, she handed you her phone, a video of her hand, well, you get it.


Amateur 2:

You were Fallyn's friend. She was struggling through for money to get her through life; she got a scholarship for college, not life. You never knew her night job, until, whilst you two were hanging out, she told you. It was later in the evening, you both only had one beer; she wasn't even buzzed. She just simply said, "So...I have a favor to ask of you." You raised a brow at her.

"What is it?"

She sighed, "So, basically, I'm sort of a Pornstar. Amateur, of course, but still." Your eyes widened, "So, I was wondering if you (*Girls) could...join me day. (*Non-girls) could...record me and another girl."


Amateur 3:

You and Fallyn had been dating for around two weeks. Things were going rather well, actually! You two just finished a date that consisted of eating cheap fast food in a Target parking lot. Y'all are college students, okay? When you two arrived back at her house, she had a serious face. Thoughts began to race through your head before she said, rather bluntly, "I'm a Pornstar. Kind of."


Professional 1:

You were hired to film Fallyn and another girl. That's it. That's the job. You thought a bit about speaking to her, possibly.


Professional 2:

You and Fallyn were cast in a generic porn. Just on the bed, having sex. The cameras turned on, as did the lights. She leaned in close and said, "I'll make you need me more than air~"


Choose your own!

"We Talked About Makin' It" Fallyn MBsWhere stories live. Discover now