Chapter fifteen: Jacob's birthday wish

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" You got on my tail? I didn't feel your hands at all," I said, looking at Razor " that's because you were too busy talking to your mother, father, and Light," said Razor, looking at me. " Jacob, isn't tomorrow your birthday?" said Kevin, looking at Jacob " yeah," said Jacob, looking at Kevin " really what is on your birthday wish?" said Light, looking at Jacob. " The only wish I wish for is spending time with Night alone inside the forest," said Jacob, looking at Light " does your mom, that your friends is a talking dragon?" said Light, looking at Jacob. Jacob sign and said " not yet and she will not going to found out," said Jacob, looking at Light " if you say so Jacob," I said, looking at Jacob " thank you, so will your father let you alone with me?" said Jacob, looking at me " I don't know, I have to talk to him first to see if he will let me," I said, looking at Jacob. Then all of a sudden my dad made a big roared " what the heck?" said Razor, looking at me, Light, Kevin, and Jacob " sorry that was my dad, he wants me home, it's dinner time, see you guys tomorrow," I said, looking at Kevin, Jacob, and Razor " let's go Light," I said, looking at Light. So me and Light spread our wings and fly up in the clouds, we both entered our house at the same time, I look at my dad and my mom, my mom saw me not eating and said " why aren't you eating honey is it too burnt? I keep telling your father not to burnt the meat," said my mom, looking at me. " And you don't put the bones on my bed," said my dad, looking at my mom " you can't go on the bed in the first place, you are a big dragon that can't go on the bed," said my mom, looking at my dad. " Mom, dad, I was wondering if I can be in the forest alone with Jacob tomorrow?" I said, looking at my mom and dad " why tomorrow dear?" said my dad, looking at me " it's Jacob birthday tomorrow," I said, looking at my dad. " His birthday is tomorrow?  and what is his birthday wish?" said my dad, looking at me " his birthday wish, is me being alone at the forest, so can I go?" I said, looking at my dad " sure why not, I trust him," said my dad, looking at me.  " Thanks dad," I said, looking at my dad " no problem Night," said my dad, looking at me " now eat your dinner Night, it's going to blow away by the wind," said my mom, looking at me. " Okay," I said, looking at my mom and start eating my dinner with my dad and mom, after I was done eating dinner, I exist out of the house, I spread my wings and fly down to the ground of the forest. When I got to the ground, I landed on the ground and saw  Jacob still in the forest " Jacob, I thought you were at home," I said, looking at Jacob " I was but I was waiting for you, so what did your dad say?" said Jacob, looking at me. " He said yes, he is trusting you, you are the first human he ever trusted," I said, looking at Jacob " that's great to here, I'm so happy that he trust me," said Jacob, looking at me. 

" Yeah, me too," I said, looking at Jacob, I look up at the sky and saw the beautiful stars shinning everywhere. But then Jacob's phone started to ranged, he grad his phone out of his pocket and answered it " hello, oh hi mom what's up? okay bye," said Jacob, putting his phone inside his pocket and look at me " I have to go home, my mom wants me, it's time for dinner, see you tomorrow Night," said Jacob, looking at me. " Will, I ever see your mother  at all Jacob?" I said, looking at Jacob " one day, I want to show my mom to you, but I don't know if she will get scared or try to hurt you," said Jacob, looking at me " there's one day to found out if she will get scared or not scared to see me, I could be at your backyard and wait until your mother shows up," I said, looking at Jacob. " That's a awesome idea, anyways I have to go see you tomorrow Night," said Jacob, looking at me and walk towards home, I sat down on the ground and look at the sky more, I sign and said " what a beautiful stars and it's so peaceful," I said, looking at the stars " it sure is Night," said Light, flying at the sky . I stand up and look at Light " hi Light, what's up?" I said, looking at Light " I was checking, if your father said yes for Jacob," said Light, looking at me " he said yes, and what about you sit right next to me instead of flying," I said, looking at Light " okay," said Light, looking at me. And landed on the forest ground and look at me " great, now let's walk in the forest," I said, looking at Light " hey you track me, awesome, what is it like to have no wings at all and can't fly," said Light, looking at me. " That will suck, but what is like, switching your crush's body?" I said, looking at Light " I don't know," said Light, looking at me " let's go home Light and go to sleep," I said, looking at Light. " Okay, let's go," said Light, looking at me, so me and Light spread our wings and fly up to the sky and entered our house, we both lay down and fall asleep.

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